Chapter 13

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3rd pov*

As the days go by tommy was being very social. Him and wilbur started getting along talking and joking about drugs and how cool it would be to make a drug van and sell it to people. So soon Tubbo, Tommy, Wilbur, Fundy and Eret were building the van as a bit not really thinking much of it. Sapnap watched them and was a little pissed on Wilbur because of the incident with George. As they finished the Van Dream walked over with sapnap behind him both in full netherite "What is this nonesense." he sounded pissed and mad on why Wilbur was with his little brother doing mayham. "Dream! we're making a hotdog van my guy do you want one?" Tuboo said giggling like a toddler with tommy making dream roll his eyes "Tommy get away from wilbur he isn't a great influnecer for anyone persay!" Tommy flinched and looks at him confused and so did Tubbo "We're just having fun big man come on!" Tommy pouted "It's not like anything bad will happed" Everyone agreed to that which made Dream furiouse "I want this gone by dawn or else i forcefully destroy it" Wilbur glares at him as he walked off with sapnap "Ok everyone lets build a wall around the van and make a nation so he can't just forcefully remove it!" eret cheered with fundy while tommy and tubbo laugh getting the recources together having fun while doing so.

Meanwhile Dream went to punz's house "Punz!" he yelled banging on the door making Punz annoyed opening the door "w h a t." he said in a raspy voice as if Dream woken up the big guy. Dream glares at him threw his mask "Get tubbo home he is being irrational!" Punz rose an eyebrow "He told me he's building a hot dog van with Tommy" Dream nods "Correct but with Wilbur as a leader, and you know he was on Technoblades side by the incident" Punz sighed and nods getting ready to go talk with his 'brother'. He did see him as a little brother but never asked him if he wanted to be his brother since he was mostly out. Punz walked over to where the van was and stuff has changed like there was a huge wall now. "Tuboo? what is this?" Tubbo looked behind him and smiled brightly "Puuunnnzzz!" he ran over and hugged Punz. Punz smiled softly and picked up the small brunette "Hey Tubs, what are you doing here?" The brunette giggled and explained to the lad that they were building a nation to protest because they want to sell drugs "And nootthhinnggg  could ever go wrong!" (.-.) Punz nodded and sighed "Well why don't we go home and play some games? we could use some bonding time right?" Tubbos eyes shone with exitment "Yes!". As they went home Tommy watched them from the wall and looks at Wilbur who looked more angry then dissapointed to say the least.

As the week past on they had made a whole nation called L'manburg and Dream was not happy at all so everytime Tommy would come home Dream would either leave or be rude to him and bully the 12 year old child which lowered his selfesteem and he didn't like beind bullied at home all the time so he stayed in L'manberg a lot more often or did a sleepover at Tubbos in their dirt sheck. Sapnap looked at Dream who was cleaning his weapons "Is it really neccesary to be so cruel to him? he's only 12 and you're his idol AND brother" Dream rolls his eyes under the mask and scoffs as a response and just continued to clean his sword and sharpen his axe. Sapnap sighed when he got no vocal response and mumbled a small 'whatever' before walking off to L'manberg to talk to wilbur about Dreams sensitive ass. As sapnap explained what was happening to the family dynamic duo wilbur stared into the distance at a window thinking. After thinking lots he finally gave the answer "Well..Tommy doesn't deserve a cruel brother like Dream maybe I'll just adopt him as my own brother seeing as Dream is incapable of taking care of his sanity while having a gremlin running around" the respone left Sapnap speechless so wilbur continued talking puttinf his hands behind his back standing formal like a president would. "now if you excuse me I will search for the child and tell him the news" he bowed and walked off. sapnap blinked for a few seconds standing there alone dumbfounded "What..just happened.."

Wilbur went on the journey to the Dream smp to find the gremlin in his little dirt sheck with Tubbo, the two were playing with some toys they had gotten for easter. "hey you two" Wilbur hummed interrupting their little roleplay session. Tommy looked up with Tubbo in sync. as slow as they could freaking out the elder.

 "Uhm..Hello WIibur, what brings you here?" "Weeellll Dream is as I see a cruel monster, can't take care of you properly so I will adopt you as my son!" That left Tommy and Tubbo shocked and incapable of syllables to leave their mouth. Wilbur laughed "ll go get the papers from Dream, you just continue playing~" the beanie guy cooed walking off to Dream.

Tommy did not like this "Dream is mad at me...but he woulnd't just give me up, right?" he looked at Tubbo as tears started appearing in his eyes. "I love Dream! He's my big brother!" he hiccuped as he cried out,"He...He teached me everything, he guids me threw life and is there for me when I'm down or sad or–" He got interrupted in his vent session by a tight hug from Tubbo "Dream would never do this, wilbur is just slowly loosing his mind." he pats his back rubbing gentle circles, getting Tommy to calm down a small bit as Tommy sniffs whiping some tears away with his sleeve leaning against his best friend looking up at him. Tommy saw Tubbo smile down at him reassuringly which made Tommy smile a tiny bit getting out a whispered 'Thank you' before he closed his eyes from crying himself to exhaustion.


Dream was furiouse as he listened to Wilbur's idea and interrupted him after hearing the word Tommy and Adoption in the same sentence. "You will NOT be adopting my brother Wilbur! Not in a million years!" Wilbur just smiled knowing that he would be against it and responded "It's for his own good Dream~" He giggles slightly "I just want him in a save enviorment don't you want that too? Or are you too selfish to realise with how little respect you have been treating him." he growls after saying the last sentence in a harsh tone. When Wilbur heard no response he knew he won giving him the satisfaction he needed. And smiled again "Tommy told me, begging me to get me out of that toxic hosuehold you've created, so just do one thing right in your life and give your so caled 'brother' that one wish"


(i had do edit it omg this sucks i just wanted to publish for once rip)

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