Chapter 1

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3rd pov.
Tommy was talking to Tubbo in their little dirt shack they made. They were still young, Tommy was 12 years old while Tubbo was 14. Tubbo lived with his friend Punz while Tommy lived with his half brother Dream. They were talking about a plan. The plan involved by sneaking outside at dawn when it was their bedtime because of all the mobs. They wanted to see if the adults/teenagers were lying to them or if the mobs were really that strong.
"Ok Tubbo you ready for our great plan? We have like an hour left to prepare!" Tommy said in his cheerful high pitched voice. Tubbo smiles and nods. They both got up and went to get everything ready. Tubbo didn't have trouble sneaking all of the tools he needed outside since Punz was chill and didn't question it. He was busy with their bee farm anyways. As for tommys side of the story he had to be the sneakiest man alive. Dream was very overprotective but only showed it when they were alone without anyone else in the room. As Tommy went inside he looked around for his brother. He didn't see him anywhere and sighed in relief and went to the backroom where they kept all the fighting materials and armor equipment. As he rumached through the chests the door opened. Tommy quickly turned around seeing a suspicious looking Dream. Tommy got nervous "h..hey bro! whatcha doing here?.."
Dream leaned against the door frame "I live here Tommy. What are you doing in this room? You are 12 you don't even need any armor nor sword and bows" he said raising an eyebrow. Tommy laughed nervously "yeah! I know! just..just checking!"
"checking what?" Dream obviously did not believe him one bit "Tommy what on earth are you planning to do you will hurt yourself" he said in a now softer tone walking over to his little brother. Tommy looked up at him and sighed "I promise I don't plan anything" he whined looking down now as Dream crouched down to his height. The 18 year old rubs his hair softly "don't go in here again unless I tell you too. You are too young for this and you know it." Tommy just huffed crossing his arms "not fair!" Dream is starting to loose his patience and grabbed his arm pulling him out of the room and locking it "you stay out of  it. got it!?" he spat out which made Tommy just nod slightly in fear. Dream sighed "good. now i have to go back to Sapnap and George. I'll be back to see if you're in bed so don't even try anything." He walked out of the house. And with that Tommy ran over to tubbo who just looked at him confused "dude where is your stuff?"
Tommy just murmured as a respond. Tubbo laughed knowing exactly he got caught "don't worry i knew it would happen. i crafted you iron stuff with the help of Wilbur" Tommys eyes shone with excitement when he heard what Tubbo said and hugged him tight "you are the best Tubbo!! thank you!" Tubbo smiled softly hugging the small gremlin back. "now lets go home and pretend to sleep we have 20 minutes left!" tommy nods and ran home. His home was 15 minutes away from tubbos so if he ran it would be 10 minutes which gave him more time. As the clock hit 9pm the sun came down on them hitting night time. Dream quickly got home and went to check on his brother. He smiles softly seeing him all cuddled up in bed 'alseep'. He walked over quietly placing a soft goodnight kiss on his forehead which made Tommy smile abit. Dream being satisfied with that went to his own room to chill abit from his day. Dreams day was basically manhunt without actually killing because respawning is not a thing and the 3 almsot died to creepers and endermen a lot. He was just glad he could relax abit untying his pony tail leting his long soft fluffy hair fall down swiftly.
Soon enough Tommy opens his eyes looking at the clock. It was now 9:30 pm. He got up and stretched abit and quietly snuck out without arlaming Dream somehow. He quickly ran down the wooden path and then to their dirt shack where Tubbo was already waiting for him all geared up. Tubbo looked at him and smiled. "here dude" he gave him his armor and tools. Tommy smiled thanking him also gearing up.
The two looked at each other before walking into the dark forest of the night.

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