Tubbo I..

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(blame school)

3rd pov*

Dream was mining with Sapnap "Hey Sapnap?" Dream asked as the other male looked at him curiouse. "Do you think Tommy is ok? He's been down lately.." Sapnap sighed "He's going to be fine Dream, I promise" They looked at each other giving ecah other a small smile. Dream was greatfull to have Sapnap in his life. The male was like a big brother to him or even a father figure. Sapnal was was being very protevtive and supportive ever since the loss of their best friend, scared he'll loose the other male too.
They were unseperable, just the two against the world, holding ecah other being there for one another,going so close to call each oyher family and the bestest of friends...sounds familiar..doesn't it?

"Tubbo I can't help you with that. You IGNORED and AVOIDED me to help your new besy friend!!" Tubbo was taken aback by that not knowing what to say "Tom-" Tommy interrupted him "You're USING me! You only come to me when you're in trouble but never to bond! We used to be so close! What happened man!? Why can you replace me so easily.." Tubbos eyes widden after Tommy ahd finished his little vent seeing the tears in his glassy sad eyes. Tommy waa right, he was the older one and treated the younger one like he was nothing to him just because he found someone a little over his age. "You're right Tommy..I'm so sorry..I shouldn't have done what I did..and I understand if you hate me now but i will be there for you even if you don't want me to be.." he kisses his head softly before walking off.

Tommy stared at where Tubbo used to stand "No..Tubbo..I didn't mean to snap.." he began to cry. He was now just confused if he should hate the older male or   accept his applogy.
He closed the door and went to his room.

He needed time to think.

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