It's time

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3rd pov*
When something finally happens it can either be good or bad. It can also be good and end horrible or be bad and end on a good note.

It's monday and tommy woke up and jumped out of bed excited. "It's time!" he yelled running to the kitchen seeing dream and george talking. Tommy rqn up to dream and hugs him tight tugging on his shirt "can i go outside? please! please please!" Dream just laughed at tommys childish behavior "Can't wait after breakfast huh?" Tommy whined gripping onto dreams shirt. Dream smiles ruffling tommys hair "Alright alright go!" Tommy ghasped happily and ran outside and ran to tubbos house who was already waiting for him. They exchange a long and needed hug before going to their dirt shack doing their little plans again.

Dream looks at george and sighs. George hugs him tight "Are you sure you want to do this?" Dream hugged him bacj tighter. "I have too. Or else everyone will think i chickened out, out of fear. Which is false!" George nodded. The door opened and sapnap walked in. "It's time." Is all he said before walking back out. Dream looks at George before following sapnap with him.

Sometimes you have to sacrifice something valuable to protect something else you love. Sometimes it's time to let go.
Sometimes you can be as smart as you want and you won't succeed because it's based on luck.
Sometimes you can be as strong as you want and fail.

Today is the day someone will die. Who will suffer serious consequences and someone will loose a loved one.

It's time

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