Chapter 14

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*third pov

Tommy was walking home since it was getting late. He was in his mind being stressed. He really hoped Dream didn't give him up for adoption and opened the front door, tears started building as he saw boxes in the living room and Wilbur standing there. "Dream?..." he asked quietly looking around. Wilbur chuckles "He's with Sapnap. He didn't want to see you. He told me he was SO glad you are leaving since he thinks of you as a dissapointment" Tommy looked down whiping his tears away that just didn't stop coming "But! I don't think of you that way Toms~ I'll be a father you need in life" Wilbur holds out a hand for him to take "I promise you, I will never scream hurt or neglate you" He smirked. Tommy was unsure, fighting with his mind to stay or take his hand and stay with someone who killed..then again Dream isn't better. Tommy took a deep breath and took his hand. He felt like he was making a deal with the devil. Wilbur chuckles in a dark vocal. "Good boy, now lets get you to L'manberg, and meet your new brother" Tommy was surprised he had a son already, but that kinda made his anxiousness die down a bit and nodded. The 2 got to L'manberg in Wilburs house with Tommys belongings, when they heard tiny footsteps. Tommy set down the boxes and looked into the direction the footsteps came from and his eyes widden when he saw a toddler fox run over "Papa!" the hybrid yelled running into wilbur who picked up the fox and laughed "Hello my little munchkin~" he cooes bouncing him slightly "Tommy this is Fundy your little brother, he is 4" Tommy nods a bit looking up at the two. Wilbur sighed at the silence he was given "do you want to play and get to know each other maybe?" Fundy gasped (just learned today it's spelled without h lmao what) "yes! yes!" Fundy cheered making Tommy smile a bit "sure" he simply and quietly relied making Wilbur smile putting down Fundy who ran to Tommy.

Tommy and Fundy were playing, getting to know each other in Tommy room. It was getting late at this point and Fundy energy was draining quickly. Tommy smiled a bit flinching a tiny bit when the hybrid crawled on his lap curled into a ball with his tail in his face so he was hidden, looking like an orange ball with clothes. Tommy pets his gently piking him up, taking him to bed but now he wouldn't let go so Tommy did the only logical thing and lay down with him cuddling him close protectively. He didn't know why but he wanted to protect him and be there for him, just like Dream was for him. He wanted to be like his idol and know he knew how.

–At Sapnap's house–

Dream was at Sapnap's house "Tommy is gone forever sap! I failed, I tried being there for him but i let him down, I should have just let him play that stupid game government game or whatever they were doing. I treated him like trash." Sapnap puts a hand on his shoulder and sighed "It's not your fault at all Dream, Tommy loves you , Wilbur is manipulative." Dream nods leaning his head on Sapnap's "I don't want tp go into the house, I will cry and I don't want to cry. Do you think i can stay, ya know, with you?" Sapnap smiled and sighed gently "sure Dream, I don't mind" he chuckles. Dream smiled closing his eyes. Dream and Sapnap had a very close friendship and it only grew when George wasn't under the living anymore. And they were glad nothing can tear them apart. 

Sapnap felt bad. He knew it was his fault since he basically told Wilbur about Dream and Tommy's relationship, and how it was falling apart. He only hoped that Wilbur could leave him alone or make him stop coming. But now the complete opposite happened and He did not like it. Maybe he will talk to Tommy Tomorrow or in a week when everything kinda calmed down. Or hoped it would have calmed down in a week.

But no one could have guessed what could all happen in just a week.

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