chapter 22

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I don't own twilight Stephanie Meyer does I'm just writing a fan fiction because I'm a huge fan. Hey guys soooooooo sorry my sis had to take my laptop to collage with her for her finals, so I've been so busy and couldn't get to it............actually I'm putting my homework off right now so you guys better love this chapter if not.........I'll cry! =:::( lol jk but again I'm sorry so I'll stop talking now. Enjoy!


A life was about to be lost or saved I could feel it in my bones and gut, I knew something was going to happen......and to my mother. I told her to push, yeah I know what your thinking I may be a young child but hey I got an old soul.

-EJ what's wrong?- my father thought to me.

-GET UP HERE NOW!- I screamed back as a little cry, and a new mind filled my own. My father and grandfather came in but I just sat there holding the baby.......holding .........her. My little sister, my dad came over to my mom and kissed her on the head as Carlisle checked her over.

-please leave- I looked into my mothers eyes and nodded sanding up and leaving the room.

I somehow wondered into Alice and Jaspers room, I set the baby on the bed (making sure she didn't fall off) and went to the closet for her clothes. I went back to the bed and looked at her now sleeping form, Little Izzy.............




This is my home huh, never thought I would be surrounded by some many clothes in my life, and this person that I call Mom what's her deal? Dose she not see I hate this stuff she gushes over? I mean come on! It's not so bad thought EJ is around a lot because he likes shopping, I looked at him as my mom pulled out another stupid thing.

'what do you think sweetie?" honest opinion? EJ nodded.

"I hate shopping" her eyes went wide as my dad walked in.

"did he talk?" he asked and kissed her cheek.

"yes he said he hates shopping" dad started laughing but hugged my mom closer to himself, I glanced as EJ. He smiled and helped me off the bed and out of the room before we seen anything, we headed to our room to watch T.V. I know about the problem EJ has with my blood but we have grow closer then the others are to each other. A burning feeling came over my skin and it started to itch, it was the worst feeling I have ever experienced.

-what's wrong?- EJ thought, we found out we could here each others thoughts.

"It hurts' I whimpered. He pulled my sleeve up and red marks were on my skin, the next thing I knew we were in grandpa Carlisle's office.

"Help him" EJ growled and left the room, and then the pain stopped. Grandpa put this stuff on my arm and put it in a wrap.

"what happened?" my mom asked as she......or should I say everyone came in.

"I don't know" I mumbled as EJ came in.

"I do, you two have to watch what your doing when your together. Cole has the same gift as jasper but his gift can inflect pain when it first develops" they nodded.

After we got my arm cleaned up my mom went on one of her little rants again..........a family picture.

"why?" my aunt Bella asked as she juggled my little cousin Izzy.

'because you love me" she said back as we all got set up. "ok ready one two three smile..............


THANK YOU FOR READING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well guys that's part one, and sorry if this sounded kid of rushed I was getting yelled at because I have to do my homework. But any way thank you for reading COMMENT I LOVE COMMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND ENJOY THIS SNEEK PEEK INTO CULLEN BABIES PART2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (what the cullen babies will say)

"his eyes are so.......Mmmmmmmmm.............."

"they slept together.............."

"I miss him................."

"I want to be a doctor................"

"I'm the only wolf..........AWESOME............."

"I hate weddings.............."

"it's not a reception without someone getting drunk and laid.............."

"will you marry me.............."

Can wait you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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