cullen babies chapter 11

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Hey guys wow I can't believe how much this has gotten reads, thanks for staying with me and reading. I've gotten a lot of people saying they wanted longer chapters sooooooo................this is for you guys! Enjoy! J


Where is that basinet? I thought to myself and moved a box out of my way. Why do we have so much stuff up here? Carlisle came up behind me and kissed my cheek, I smiled and handed him a box.

"Can you help me find my basinet, the one I used when I was a baby?" he nodded and began moving everything out of my way. "I think it's under here" I said and went to bend down to look, his hand stopped me. "What?" I said, looking in his eyes.

"You shouldn't move so much" I rolled my eyes. "Don't act like Edward now sit" he stated and led me to a chair that we've had from 1930's. Carlisle has been like this for days now, not wanting me to move or do anything to disrupt the baby's growth. He's sweet but I can't even move the TV. remote without him being worried. I glanced at my watch; Tyler would be here in a couple hours to talk to the boys.

"Found it" Carlisle called from the far side of the attic. I smiled as he came over and set the basket next to the chair and bent down to kiss me. His touch was like a hot iron was set on my skin, I pulled him to me and flipped around so he was sitting and I was in his lap. He pulled away with a funny grin on his face.

"What?" I asked. His smile grew.

"The chair" I looked at him funny and connected the dots.

"This chair? Our chair." He nodded. I smiled and kissed him again passion was radiating off him and I, was we pulled each other closer.

"Carlisle, Esme..........." we pulled away and Edward stood in the doorway. "As I recall about 79 years ago I found the two of you in the same position you have your clothes on" he finished trying not to laughs at our faces. 'Edward you may be older but I am your mother' he smiled bigger.

"I know that's why I love you. Anyway you guys have to come Tyler's here" I sighed and we followed Edward down the steps. A door opened and closed silently as we headed down the hallway, Bella dropped from the ceiling landing on Edwards back and planting a kiss on his neck.

"Hello" she purred in his ear.

"Hello Bella" Carlisle said. She didn't even look at us as she continued to kiss his neck.

"Bella get off of Edward" Alice called from the living room. She stepped down and wrapped her arm around his waist as they took the couch. A young man of the age of 20 stood by the bookcase.

"You must be Tyler" Carlisle said and extended his hand, the boy shook his hand.

"And you Carlisle" Carlisle nodded. I stepped forward and hugged him.

"Hello, Tyler" he smiled.

"Esme, you look wonderful today"

"Did you talk to rose and Alice?" he nodded. Jake and Renesme came into the room; Jacob took the lazy boy as Renesme walked over to Tyler.

"Hey" she said excitedly and hugged him; he smiled and kissed her neck.

"How you feeling?" she shrugged.

"Okay I guess kind of tired" he nodded slowly.

"So Tyler, why don't you tell us about your gift?" Tyler sighed.

"I have the gift of fertility; it means if I decide to bite someone their blood would become filled with my venom. It would stimulate the hormones causing you to become........physically active and you can have a child. With you 4 when I put venom in your bodies, it burned like when you became a vampire it will guaranty that your child will be a half vampire. Yes, I know you both are vampires but your child will only be half." I rubbed his hand over his face. "Renesme, what you felt was passion. I want to monitor you more closely than the others, because the reason you felt passion was because of your husband's genes. Your child may kill you if I don't watch you carefully, do you understand me?" her eyes were wide but she nodded. He smiled. "Then the other thing is if they have gifts." He laughed. "The ones with gifts have a more chance of children having them as well. So that means you will be very emotional most of the time. That's about it"

"is there anything that we need?" Carlisle asked.

"I have everything at my house; all you have to do is tell me when to bring it over. I also have an ultrasound so you can see how they develop. Renesme that means you" he said and pointed at her.

"Thank you for coming" I said.

"Anytime, Carlisle here's my number if you have any questions if yo don't understand give me a call" he handed him the paper.

"I will thank you"

"Bye guys," he called and left the house.


After Tyler left I pushed my shield way from my mind and let Edward in. 'you me upstairs NOW!" he looked at me and grabbed my hand.

"Where are you guys going?" Renesme asked as we headed to the stairs. I slid my hand up the back of his shirt making patterns on his skin.

"Were, um........uh.........." for the first time in his life Edward was speechless. She waved her hand and turned back to the others, we dashed up the stairs. Out kisses colliding and spreading like a wild fire on a hot summer day as we opened the door. Edward kicked it shut as he pulled my shirt off throwing it in the corner of the room, I kissed up his neck and we slid on the bed.  I slowly started unbuttoning his shirt and kissing where the buttons once lay, I got mad at his belt and ripped it in half as he stared on my jeans. I sudden movement stopped me and I pulled away from him and stared wide eyed.

"What's wrong?' he asked panic seeping in.

"The moved" he looked up from my stomach and kissed me with even more passion. A moan except my mouth, he slid his hand down my leg and brought it up and wrapped it around his waist. He sighed into my mouth; very slowly I touched his tong with mine. He moaned as our tongs danced together, we rolled on the bed until I hovered over him.

"Names?" he asked me and kissed up and down my jaw and neck. I sighed and closed my eyes. "Names?" he said again.

"Boy, Edward Jacob Anthony Daniel Masen Cullen Jr. E.J. for short" I felt him smile as he nibbled on my ear. "a girl, Danny Rosalice Cullen" he pulled back and looked into my eyes.

"What do you think it is?" I smiled.

"Another girl" he nodded.

"I think it is too" he murmured and started kissing down my body.........................

I'll let you guys imagine from there lol. So vote, become a fan if you aren't one yet, add to library and COMMENT I LOVE COMMENTS!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and I was just wondering who do u think will have boys and who the girls???????????? I just want to know J thanks 4 reading!

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