Cullen Babies part 2 chapter6

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Hey guys!!! Sorry I haven’t undated this story in FOREVER! Ok I don’t own Twilight S.M. does I’m just a fan. Enjoy! :)  WARNING IF YOU DO NOT LIKE BLOOD PLEASE SKIP DOWN TO ROSALYNN’S POV!!!!!!

EJ pov

                Cole pulled me closer to his neck, the cut leaked a beautiful color of red and the smell was just as good, fire erupted in my throat and I placed my lips over the small tare in his flesh. Flavor erupted in my mouth and made me let out a groan and hold him closer so I could get more of this delicious liquid. His nails skimmed over my arms and he tried to push me away, I gripped him closer but in the back of my mind I wanted…no needed to stop I knew I had to. I slid my hands down to his shoulders and with every ounce of power I had pushed him away, we were both breathing hard and looking at each other in shock.

                “Cole I’m sorr-“ He didn’t let me finish, his lips came down upon mine and we shared a short but powerful intense kiss. He pulled back to look into my eyes searching for anything to tell him that I didn’t want him near me.

                “Sorry” whispered and stood to go, I watched him leave the closet and walk into the room. I followed as well and seen him taking out books from a box and start setting them on a shelf. I walked up behind him quietly and rested my hand on his shoulder, he turned to look at me slowly I cupped his face in my hands and looked him in the eyes.

                “I’m not mad” I said and did something I have wanted to do for a long time, I leaned in and placed a kiss on his lips………

Rosalynn pov

                I ran behind my Dad, Emmett as we were chasing down a bear trying to see who will be the first person to take it down, I’m ten years old but look 18 I have dark brown curly hair like my dad’s but I looked like my mom. Dad ran faster and took down the bear before I could even blink; he stood up with a childish smile on his face. I rolled my eyes and took off to find the rest of the family, I watched as Billy suddenly came walking up to me with a smile on his face and his hair damp from running around in his wolf form. He came up and put his arm around my shoulder, Billy was Renesme and Jacob’s son, he stood at least a foot taller that I was and ten times stronger.

                “Hey” he said, his voice was husky as it usually was but it still had a child playfulness in it.

                “Hi” I said back and wrapped my arm around his waist; we walked quietly and listened to the nature around us not really caring where we were at. Suddenly we broke through some bushes and seen our house in view, we added onto it when we were babies so we could all live together. As we walked closer to the house we walked across the small wooden bridge that allowed you to cross the small pond that was there. We walked in the house and into the living room, the others were still hunting and EJ and Cole were probably in there room moving things but we couldn’t hear them because we had all the walls sound-proof. Billy and I sat down on the couch; I leaned into him we turned on the TV. I felt my eye lids start to droop and I let them slide closed and curled up into Billy as the heat from his body warmed me up while lulling me to sleep.

                I hope you guys love it!!!! Well I have to go, fan if you aren’t one, vote, comment and add to library!!! Thanks for reading! :)

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