chapter 17

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I don't own twilight Stephanie Meyer does I'm just writing a fan fiction.

Hey guys school is going to be staring soon so I wont be able to get to Cullen Babies as much but I'll post when ever I can. Enjoy!


It's been a week since my beautiful son and granddaughter have been born., and to tell you the truth I feel like crap. My stomach has been in knots for days, Carlisle just says it's from having E.J but they keep getting worse.

Jacob and Renesme have been inseparable ever since Sapphire was born and Tyler and Jacob actually became friends. Minus the fact his wife was carrying his best friends baby, there cool with it. It's pretty funny Sapphire has them both wrapped around her little fingers, when ever she wants Tyler she says daddy but when she wants Jacob it's dad.

Renesme was so happy the day we found out Sapphire didn't like playing dress up with Alice E.J on the other hand...........would cry if he was in the same outfit for more that an hour. I smiled as I looked down at my sleeping baby in my arms he would be waking up in a couple minutes according to Alice, who by the way is looking huge because she's so small. My eyes were met by bright green ones I smiled and got up rocking him gently as I left the bedroom. Edward came up the steps and kissed me, then leaned down and kissed E.J's forehead.

"Alice wants him" I smiled and followed him down the stairs to the living room which was scattered with baby clothes I rolled my eyes and shook my head, handing Alice my child. He smiled toothlessly and reached for overalls with a green shirt and sneakers.

"Bella! He's a genius!" Alice cried and stared changing him. I sat down next to her as my stomach did a twist, I shot our of my chair. "are you ok?" Alice asked. I nodded.

'I'll be right back" I mumbled and went upstairs to the bathroom. I grabbed a pregnancy test from the cabinet from below and did as the instructions said. I stood up and set the test on the counter and started the timer for five minutes. It was the longest time of my life.

"Bella?" Edward called and opened the door, to find me sitting on the ground. He looked at the test, grabbing it and sitting down next to me. I sighed and leaned on his shoulder.

"What does it say?" I asked. He turned and looked at me showing the stick, which said. PREGNANT 2-3 WEEKS I looked into his golden eyes, happiness burned there. "we got pregnant" I breathed.

"Without Tyler's help" he said back. I kissed him with love and passion as we separated I grabbed his hand.

"we should tell the others" He smiled as we walked out into our new extended lives.


"your so precious" I murmured to E.J who was the only person who liked being dressed up, he even had a sense of style unlike his mom. I turned and looked at my husband who was trying to put together a playpen with Carlisle and Emmett. Rosalie was fast asleep on the couch as Esme was trying to find away to sit so she could sow and Jacob and Tyler were sitting with Renesme as she held Sapphire. I smiled.

"Sapphire" I called she looked at me. "do you want to play dress up?" I asked she disappeared along with her clothes, she's been practicing. I smiled wider. "Just kidding sweetie" she came back and turned her attention back to Jacob and Tyler.

"guys guess what/" Bella said with Edward behind her.

"Hmmmm?" I said.

"were pregnant" she said. I screamed causing E.J to cry.

"sorry baby I didn't mean it" I said and rubbed his back. Edward laughed. "what?" I said.

"he's not crying because of that Alice" I looked at him.

"than why?" Edward laughed harder.

"It's been an hour and he's still in the same thing" he said with a gasp.

Whoa, We have to go to the mall I thought with a evil smile. Edward wasn't laughing anymore............

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