chapter 19

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I don't own twilight Stephanie Meyer does I'm just writing a fan fiction because I'm a big fan. Enjoy!


I'm Huge! It's so hard to find cute maternity clothes, but I have to admit I love the fact I'm going to have a son. Jasper and I have talked about names and he likes Cornelius, I on the other hand like Cole. It just seems right, I sighed the boys had to make a fast hunting trip which left poor Seth to watch us. I tried to get up but failed at the attempt.

"Seth" I said. I walked In carrying Sapphire on his hip and E.J on his back.

"okay guys get off I have to help Alice" they wined but did as they were asked. Seth copped me up in his arms and carried me down the stairs to the couch, Bella was there.

"thank you wolf gene" he chuckled as the 'twisted twins' (as Emmett likes to call them) attacked him. We all laughed as they had Seth pinned to the floor.

"Not fair!" he yelled. They got off of him Sapphire and Seth were still laughing as E.J came and sat next to me and Bella. Over the past couple weeks E.J didn't want to leave my side, the only time he wasn't bye me was when he was playing the piano. Which he got Edward to bring down here. He was cute though even when he used my stomach as a hill for his toy cars.

"E.J do you want to play?" Sapphire asked. They have gotten closer all of a sudden, it's nice to see them play. I heard the familiar car come up the driveway, the boys were back. The front door opened and they came rushing in.

"Dad!" E.J yelled and latched himself on Edward leg, he chuckled and walked over to Bella. I looked at Sapphire who thought this was a game and grabbed Edwards other leg. Edward must have thought something to E.J because he let go and pulled Sapphire away. Sapphire looked at E.J who nodded.

"it's about time you guys got here" she started.

"Yeah because aunt Alice is going into labor" after those words passed through his lips I felt a sudden pain. Carlisle came and helped me to my feet to get me upstairs, everyone followed leaving the two children in the living room by themselves. As the morphine was put in my arm.........I heard the front door click.


E.J pulled me out the door and we went into the forest so far away I couldn't hear anything from the house, I turned to look at him as he held my hand and we walked down a path.

-how did you know that was going to happen?- I thought to him.

"do you know how Tyler's power works?" he said back, I nodded. "I have the same talent........that's why I was born so early" I felt my eyes widen at this.......that would mean three gifts. "yep" he said answering my thought and popping the p.

-so wait you planed this?- he rolled his eyes.

"why do you think you're here?' I looked at him as if he has gone crazy. "Sapphire.........I made Tyler, there is no one like him. I imagined him, and then with my other gift that's how I was born. I was, yes I will say it selfish" we stopped he had my full attention. "I had you and the rest of the babies created.......because you don't know how happy they are. I didn't want to grow up an only child like my sister, and now your here and the rest are going to be born soon. I cant take any of you away, like I can with Tyler" I stared at him amazed by what I just heard, we stared walking again.

-who's my father E.J?-

"Jacob" he answered and I realized we were at Emily and Sam's house...........................

WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!! didn't see that one coming did ya? Anyway vote add to library and anything else you can do oh here! COMMENTS I LOVE COMMENTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. Jacob IS SAPPHIRE'S FATHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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