i dont remember

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I don't own twilight Stephanie Meyer does I'm just writing a fan fiction because I'm a huge fan.


Before any of us could react E.J lunged at Cole, a blinkingly fast blur knocked him was Sapphire.

"stop! You must resist!" she growled at him. He didn't even budge he was to busy staring at the baby. "E.J.......this was never about any of us was it? that's why you tried to attack Cole isn't it?" he looked at her, his face begging her to stop. "why don't you tell them?" she whispered. He shook his head.

"you know I cant" his voice thick with emotion.

"you cant do this you wont do that!" she stopped as something clicked in her head. She broke down sobbing. "that's why you were around Alice so much, I hated that. Why didn't you just tell me E.J? I would have understood. That's why I was so shocked that you tried to hurt love him to much" E.J snarled and tackled Sapphire, she threw him into the piano as it broke in two she stared to shake her anger boiling over.

A russet brown wolf was in her place as they battled it out, family harming family. We pulled them away and calmed them down, Sapphire fazed back and put the clothes on that Alice gave her.

"if you ever mention my gift again I will not hesitate to kill you Sapphire family or not." E.J said. I covered my moth at this, in pure shock rather than anger.

"why did you create me then? I didn't need to be born!" we all fell silent as she said this.

"what do you mean Sapphire?" I asked. she turned and looked at me then back at E.J.

"show them" she hissed. E.J nodded and motioned for Tyler to come forward.

"I'm sorry" he said, and Tyler vanished. We all gasped. "I made you all have kids not Tyler.....I even made up Tyler as a cover. It' don't understand the........stress I have to bear" he turned back to Sapphire. "I'm sorry I haven't been by your side for awhile, but I didn't want to tell them this now" she walked over and hugged him. A pain shot in my body and I leaned on the wall for help. E.J looked at me, and was time.


I cant' believe Esme is going to have her baby and hour after mine was born! I'm so excited. Then a scream interrupted the silence Rose was also in labor.

"Alice I need your help" Carlisle yelled and help them up the stairs, I looked at my baby who was now fully awake. There was a pull on my blouse, it was E.J.

"give him to me and go help grandpa, I'm in control" I bit my lip but handed him to E.J when I left the room Cole was smiling.

I dashed up the stairs and went to the office, Esme was on one side of the room Rose the other. Carlisle motioned me to help Rose as Edward and Carlisle were helping Esme. She grabbed mine and Bella's hand.

"I'm scared' she whispered, I smiled.

"I know your scared so am I but were going to get the babies born do you hear me?" she nodded and laid her head down. I little cry escaped from the left side of the room followed my Esme's tearless sobs. The boys came rushing over as we switched sides, Esme smiled at us and cradled the baby.

"what do you want to name him?" I asked.

"Dylan Carlisle Cullen' she said with a smile. Bella left the room after she heard the name. I stayed behind and helped welcome two more faces into the world, the little boy first followed by Rosalie's little girl. The door busted open as Jacob carried Renesme in.

"got room for another one?" he said with a laugh............


I left the office because I suddenly felt tired, I climbed the steps to the bedroom and laid on the soft cotton sheets. I sighed as the door opened and closed.

'can I lay with you Mommy?" I smiled.

"sure honey" E.J came and laid next to me.

"are you mad at me?" he asked I looked at him and shook me head.

"no why would you think that?"

'because I didn't tell you about my gift, and I made grandma aunt rose, aunt Alice and Sissy go into labor......but they had to be born" I chuckled at this, he really sounded much older. I felt water all of a sudden and sat up, pain rocked through my body.

"E.J honey I need you to........ugh" I didn't finish me sentence as I fell back. E.J stared at me in shock but his inner instincts took over. He set pillows behind my back and grabbed towels for when the baby was here. "E.J you have to leave got get your father" I said in short gasps.

"I cant because you and the baby will die" I pulled in a breathe and another wave of pain crashed over me. I wanted him our of here he shouldn't see this. "Mom I'm older than I seam, now I need you to push.................

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P.S. I'm going to be making a Cullen babies part 2 soon and on the last chapter of part 1 I'm going to put some future words the children will say. Thank you for reading!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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