chapter 12

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I don't own twilight Stephanie Meyer does I'm just wringing a fan fiction.


"knock knock" I said as I entered the Cullen's house, Carlisle came to greet me.

"Tyler," he said and shook my hand.

"excited to see your kid?' I asked, he smiled.

"lets head upstairs but should be warned there a little mad" I chuckled.

"why might I ask?' he rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"Emmett' I smiled and followed him up the white stare case, we came into an open room.

"hey girls" I called, they turned and looked at me with confusion on there faces. "oh don't tell me you forgot about your ultrasound?' I said with a hint of a smile.

"I'll go first" Rosalie called from the chair and tried to stand. "little help" Emmett laughed and helped her stand.

"rose your not even that big, you shouldn't have problems with getting up" I said a little worried by this. She shrugged and followed well as everyone else. "this will be cold even to you" I said and squirted the clear gooey stuff on her stomach. I ran the remote over her stomach and tried to find the baby.

"is there a problem?' she asked. I shook my head.

"I cant find the baby" I said back, she stiffened at this. A little heart beat came on the screen, "Here we are" I said. "was hiding" she sighed with relief and kissed Emmett's hand.

"is it a boy or girl?" Emmett asked.

"one moment" I looked and smiled. "congratulations it's a girl...........and a boy" there face froze as they heard this. "twins" rose screamed and kissed Emmett. I laughed. "next."

Alice slid in the chair as Esme was talking to Rosalie, I did the same with Rosalie and got the punch.

"do you know what it is?' I asked her she shook her head.

"to fuzzy to see" I nodded.

'it's a boy" she smiled and kissed my cheek.

"thank you" I nodded.

"Esme" she sat down.

"if it's a girl do you like the name chrysanthemum?" please let it be a boy for that's Childs sake, Edward laughed at my thought. Its true. I looked at the screen and sighed. "it's a boy Esme" she smiled and moved for Renesme to sit down.

"how's my girl?" I asked Renesme. She sighed.

"starving, I think the wolf trait will win I'm always hungry" I smiled.

"or it could mean the opposite" she shrugged. "what would you like?" I asked.

"boy' she said. I smiled.

"how about a girl?" she squealed and hugged me. "so ill take that as a yes?" she laughed and moved so Bella was next.

"hello Bella"

"hello" she said back. "I felt the baby kick a few days ago"

"that's good" I looked at the screen and frowned. I pulled back "Bella I want you to lay down all the way please" she nodded and did as I asked. I felt her stomach and sighed sitting back and rubbing my face.

"is there a problem?" she said panic layering her voice.

"Bella lost the baby" she stopped breathing as her eyes went wide. She just nodded, I could tell she was else where as she stood and left the room with Edward following.


~at there cabin~

I walked into our cabin and seen Bella looking at the picture of our family I remember weeks ago when she stood in the same spot and how she said she wanted another child, were so close to having another child. She turned to look at me when she started to sob tearlessly. I stepped closer when she fell into my arms cries racked her body as she absorbed the information we just learned. I slid down to the ground pulling her with me until we were sitting and she was in my lap.

"I want another baby Edward, I know its selfish but its what I want" she cried as I held her tighter. I couldn't take the pain she was feeling, no one should see there love be hurt like this but the truth was it happens.

"Bella look at me" she looked up into my eyes. "were going to be okay we can try again, I'm sure Tyler will help us" she shook her head.

"Tyler said we would have to wait till the venom was gone from our systems....he said it would take two years.............

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