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Later on that day, nothing much happened. Besides Exe being a bit more open, and a smudge nervous from that sudden hug. But either way, all we did was talk about anything that was on a conversation.

But of course, day turned into night, and we became tired to a point, the both of us hitting the hay. As tomorrow was progress of getting Exe to stand and back to walking.

And that was today, as I was just gitting up, and getting out the pans, bacon, and pancakes. Again. But aint nothing wrong with that.

Both me, and Exe find my pancakes, and bacon extremely good. Probably to the point where thats what we both want almost every day.

After about a few minutes of cooking, the house now starting to smell like fresh, fried bacon, and pancakes.

I was unaware, of the presence behind me, until I felt two surprisingly soft gloved hands on my eyes, a a familiar demonic, deep whisper like voice spoke in my ear. Making me shiver.

"Guessss wwwhhhoooo.....~" Hearing the oh so demonic version of Sonic.

"Let me guess.... The midget bacon, and cookie stealer?" I asked, hearing Exe chuckled as he removed his hands from my eyes.

"Not exactly what I wanted to hear. But I'll give it a pass." He said with a grin.

"Is that not what you are thought?" I asked him with a smirk.

"Oh, haha very funny missy." He said sarcasticly, while I handed him his plate of meat and pancakes.

"Beside you do know what we have to do today, don't you?" I asked him.

"I'm pretty sure I do." He said before devouring most of the bacon, and left over ham on his plate.

"And thats to try and get my lazyass up, and moving again. Beside levitating which doesnt count as physical movement. Mostly." He said.

"Wow, I'm surprised you actually remembered." I said.

"Hey! Are you calling me short minded?!" He asked offended.

"No, I'm calling you a short minded idiot, with an attitude." I told him, while hearing him growl out a rather... Demonic growl of annoyance.

"I'm just going to ignore that, and pretend that this conversation never existed." He said. He has been keeping his cool, and being all around pretty calm lately. Which is surprising, cause I thought he would put up a fight, or something. I just got to be careful of how I'm joking around with him, when calling him stuff as such.

He tends to think I mean them. Most of the time. The midged cookie, or bacon stealer he lets slides cause that isn't such a bad thing. That was on him, and he knows it.

But ones such as that, tents to get him worked up. But ones that is about his appearance doesn't even faze him, cause he absolutely loves they way he looks. And, honestly... I semi, can blame him.

I have to admit, at this point I have come to terms with my inner demons that also so happens to like this devil. He is quite cute, and maybe in a few years or so... He'll have a more... Built body...

Getting out of that category now. An on to taken both mine, and his place back in the kitchen to wash later. Now came the fun.

The fun of being able to getting that fat, lazy ass off my couch he has been hogging for three days now!

"Alright, you ready to see if you can stand again, without spilling your guts all over my floor?" I asked him, as he chuckled.

"What guts?" He asked with a smirk.

"The guts to get your lazy ass up, and off my couch already." I said, holding out a hand.

He groaned and rolled his red dotted eyes, as he grabbed ahold of mine. I pulled him up, being as easy, and slow as I can.

He only hissed, and growled out in pain twice, but eventually I got him up. Now it was me trying to get him use to walking.

At first it was a little... Painful on him, but now he was okay. Had a bit of a hunch, to somewhat reduce the pain on him, as he also limped a little.

"Well, at least I got you moving. Somewhat." I said, finally having my couch back.

"Yeah... To an extent. It going to take a while thought to get back to... Normal walking, with out looking like an old man." He said.

"All that matters is that your up, and walking again. I don't have you floating around my house anymore. And I get my couch back." I said.

"Was that really the only reason?" He asked.

"No. And just so you would quite having an excuse to sit down every damn second of the day." I said.

"Hey, I can't help that I got impaled." He said with a shurg.

"Whatever. But, I hope you know that if I ever have to go out, you coming with me." I told him.

"What?! Why?! Why must I go out with you to where ever you have to go like a child?!" He exclaimed, clearly not likeing the idea of that.

"Because I ain't having you snooping around my house, behind my back. Don't worry, I got you a cloak that will cover you face and all. So nobody will know its you, if anyone does happen to know you." I told him.

"Ugh... Fine." He said taking the other free space on the couch.

"Don't worry abouy it. I'm sure nobody will find out, or know it will be you." I tried to reassure him.

"Only the hero's, and Eggman knows me. So anyone else would think of me as some creep. But I'm fine with that, it's just... The though of the heros finding me is what I'm worried about." He said.

"Aw... Don't worry Exe. Even if they did find out about your identity, I'll make sure that they wont take you." I told him, rubbing his top quill. Knowing that he likes it.

"Mmmrrrrr....." He tried to resisting the urge to purr. But that failed. As he brushed up against my hand like a cat, wanting more of the feeling. Until he finally realized what he was doing.

"Gah! What do I keep doing that?! Just why does I feel so good?!" He said covering his face with his faint blooded tipped gloves, noticing a bit of a sharp point at the ends of them. Guess he is growing claws now.

"Who knows Exe. But then again, everyone loves a good head, or quill scratch." I said, scratch him behind the ears, again hearing a purr from him, while seeing his tail wag. It was impossible to not laugh at that from how cute it was.

"I can't get over that tail wag you got. For a demonic god, you arw absolutely cute. You know that?" I said.

"Grr... I am not cute! I am the destroyer of worlds! Eater of souls! And you dare call me!? A god of death, and destruction cute?!" He boasted on.


"I despise you sometime... You know that?"

"Ayy, feelings neutral bud." I told him.


(OLD & CRINGY) To Love A Demon Like Him (Sonic.Exe X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now