Slow Recover

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Its been roughly about two months ever since... The event.

And it was as expected to be hurting, and missing... Ahem. Him, alot. It was without a doubt that it wouldn't be painless.

But, on a slight bright side. The girls have been coming over quite a lot. Mostly to keep me in check, mentally, and emotionally. But, then again it was fun hanging out with them.

It kept my mind off of... We all know who. But, it worked, and its what I needed.

Even the girls were aware that I needed to be out, and have something to do to keep my mind off him.

Actually, we were already out and about to this moment.

I hanged out with them, wherever they go, even to the mall, I don't have to buy things just to have an excuse to hang out with someone. Or at least with them.

Sometimes, every now and then, the guys tag along. Usually because their board, and wanted to spend tome with their girl, or because they had to get something. More than lunch.

Silver, Tails, and Knuckles were the more frequent ones to join in. Silver and Tails did have sympathy for me, however. The understood that I loved that devil, but we all knew he had to be taken care of.

Knuckles... Was more than happy to have him locked away wherever he is. But thankfully, he is at least respectful enough to not mention him around me. It took Tikal a little bit to get him to agree with it, but seeing as it wasnt too much of a issue now, now that he was locked up, he agreed to not speak about it. At least around my ears.

It was obvious Shadow wouldn't show his face, he hasn't yet at least. Its Shadow, its quite obvious he wouldn't, only if Rouge called him for help, or for some other reason thats between those two.

But... When Sonic joins in, being one of the board ones, and wants to spend time with Amy... I just cant help but see him instead.

I know it not really him, I am aware. But its just so hard not to, for Chaos sakes they are the same person, at least in looks mostly.

The could never be the same exact person of course, especially thier personalities, and thier likes and dislikes, what not, the usual.

And apparently was one of those days where the famous blue blur, and his twin tailed buddy joined us girls on another little outing.

"Its nice to have you two join us. Even though its probably going to board you out even more." Amy said to the two boys.

"Well, you know, its never boring when I'm with you Ames." Sonic said, having his hands behind his head.

"I just kinda tagged along. Since some one keeps telling me to get out of the garage more often." Tails said looking up at Sonic with a slight glare.

"I don't want you slaving your life away in our garage you call a workshop. Beside, you get to spend time with Cream as well." Sonic told his younger partner, or brother to be precise, not by blood of course.

"I guess you have a point there." Tails said, conveniently walking next to Cream.

"But, anyways. What exactly do you girls plan on doing out there today?" Sonic asked us.

"Well, we plan to get Y/n here a little something to write her thoughts in. Along with having lunch at the buffet, our usual." Tikal answered for us. But, I however did not agree to have a journal, or diary.

"Wait, I never agreed about getting a journal, or diary. And I most likely dont need one." I said, feeling my muzzle warm a bit from embarrassment. Especially infront of Sonic, and what not.

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