Small Chats

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"Uh... Heh. Sorry not sorry for it slipping from my mind?" I said more of a question, than a sentence.

"Yeah, sure, sure it did." He said, walking back to the- Honestly I should stat saying his couch now. As he plopped his lazy ass on it again.

"So, you feel better now? You know, after that while rage fit?" I asked him.

"Look... I had plenty enough reason to set off on her. You and I both know, are are aware of this." He said, clearly not in the mood to talk about it.

"I am aware, like you said. But... You know I wasn't lying when I said you can call my home... Er... Home, you safe haven, sanctuary. Whatever you prefer." I told him.

"You would seriously want to put up with my ass all day, and night long for that long?" He asked with a smirk.

"Well... One things for sure, you keep this place lively when its been, pretty dead quiet." I said.

"Is that the case now? You just want me around because I am entertaining to you?" He asked me.

"What? Well... That, and like you said to me about... Two days ago, you said you trust me. I trust you right back, you know."

"Wait, really?"

"Of course man. You really thing that if I didn't I would let you stay this long? And give you food, shelter, oh and my couch still!?"

"Are your seriously getting worked up over the couch? What did it ever do to you?" He asked with a smartass look on his face.

"Oh quit being a smartass." I told him.

"But thats what I naturally am." He said with a smugged grin.

"Really? Then why aren't you smart?" I thrown back tright at him, seeing him taken aback from the sudden roast.

"What? Don't like the fact you just got burn- No wait... Roast- No that isn't it what is it, oh! INCINERATE!!?" I asked him.

".... Ha! Oh, it was so good and funny I'm laughing for how bad, and funny that burn was." He said deathly sarcastic.

"You got to admit that was pretty good." I said, knowing he though the same, his facial expression to it said so.

"Okay. I admit. It was a pretty nice roast. I just like the fact you used it on me." He said having his arms crossed.

"I'm sure you don't. You don't like anything." I said in a annoying, complaining tone.

"Quite the opposite in fact. Something we both know again." He said.

"Alright, mister 'I am so smart'. Name of at least five things you like off the top of you head." I said.

"Well, let's see.... Bacon, meat, horror, you, murder." He said quickly, but I could of sworn he said something about... Me.

"Wait. Hold up, what was that fourth one?" I asked.

"Oh. Right I forgot the fifth, uh... Your cooking. No hiding that one, your cooking is awsome." He said.

"Hm... Alright." I said believing it, but it still felt like he said something else... I'm not sure, he went really quick with listing."

"Welp. Guess I do like things don't I?' He asked with a smuged smirk.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever."

"But... Really though Y/n... I really do appreciate you putting up with my bull. Despite how annoying you can be when you mock, and insult me in that... Childish tone." He said.

"Aw... That mean a lot Exe. And sorry about that, but that'd usually payback for being a stubborn, or strangely flirty." I said.

"Yeah... I'm trying to understand, and work on that. But, really. Thank you for all you've done for my pathetic ass. I haven't been much of help, around the place. Or anything." He said in a quiet, gentle tone.

"Hey, your the one who has a fucking hole in their body, you need the rest, and time to recover. Its why your hear in the first place." I said.

"Heh... Right, right. But really, even for that. Nobody else would be crazy, or sane enough to do what you did. And I'm thanking your for it all, you'd even let me call this house my home too. And that means so much, more than you think. I never really had a place to call home." He said.

"Well you do know. And I thank you for making life fun, and interesting again. It was so empty, boring and quiet before I found you. I really needed long term company." I said.

"And I needed a safe place to recover, with someone to help me until I am recovered. Seems like we both got out wish." He said.

"Yeah, I guess so... And speaking of, want to see what that hole looks like now? I'm pretty sure it stopped bleeding long time ago." I suggested, I was curious myself to see his progress.

"I don't think it would hurt. Alright, let's see." He said laying down on the couch gently, as I went to his side finding the tape to all the wrappings.

Eventually finding it, and taking it off, and unwrapping the wrappings, his body was revealed, as there was no longer a hole, but magically reformed skin being covered in a shade of dark, dark red. Similar to the scab on his eye

"What the... How did your whole entire body grow back?" I asked, still keeping lock on his red stained, rounded body.

"Yeah... About that. I can kinda do that. Well not me, my body does it whenever something like this does happen. Its... Kinda best I dont go into details with it." He said.

"So... It just regrows back? Like a octopus wiuld a tentical, or a gecko when they lose their tails?" I asked, getting a slow nod in response.

"Oh... Ugh... I mean thats a good thing. But... Visualizing it... No thanks, thats just... Too much for me." I said in disgust.

"Yeah, I know. But, its good like you said, fucking helpful, yet... The process is... Disgusting to look at. Even to myself at times with larger wounds like this." He said.

"Okay! Just enough with that topic!" I said.

"And I'm pretty sure you dont need wrappings anymore. But, just keeping some out just in case." I recommend.

"Yeah, its for the best. But I'm sure by tomorrow I'll be fully above to move without looking like an old man walking anymore." He said.

"Well good for you."

"That also means you'll be able to take us out more often." He said.


"Who knows, maybe once I gent to know the layout of this whole area, I'll take you ouy myself." He said.

"Wait what? I asked, his word placement catching my attention.

"Yeah. I don't see why not. But thats for a later date." He said, stretching his arms over his head.

"So... What's for dinner?" He asked out of no where.

"Are your serious right now?" I asked him, there was no way it was already that late, or was he hungry already.

"I mean... Have you not checked the time? Or have you been to busy daydreaming about me in you to worry about it~" He asked in a flirtatious tone again with a smirk.

"Shut up! And no I wasn't daydreaming. I guess I didn't realize the time, because I was too busy talking with you." I said.

"Aw... How sweet. You would take time out of fixing dinner to talk with me~" He said.

"I'll get the meats ready. My carnivorous master." I said, seeing his smirk turn into a... Dirty grin. Oh Chaos. Don't tell me he likes it like that when I call him that...

Know that I'm thinking about it now... He probably does, other would. But in the kitchen I go to fix that meat loving, devil god his dinner.

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