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It was another, regular day. At least to me it is. The usual just getting up, have breakfast, and then figuring out what to do next.

I do have to admit though, I have been going out a lot more with the girls that I usually have ever since... The take away.

But, I guess it was for the best. It did for a possible make shift threat to the community, and apparently world. But, not for me.

The girls understood why, for both sides. But they did also believe that their would probably be a time where... He would of snapped back to his old ways. But they also enjoyed seeing him in a way that was never possible to be through of.

I did miss him still. But I don't get, that overly sad, and depressed over it. Its just... Something I had to accept and move on... Working through the pain.

I still sometimes think, and keep in hope of is one day he somehow returns to me.

But not being able to have future sight abilities, that makes it impossible.

Either way, I gotten a call from Amy. She was giggling a lot, so were some others in the background, I could tell they were really happy about something.

They said that they would come and get me, and have our usual day, get lunch, and just window shop. And later in the day they would tell me about what's got them so hyped, and happy.

And thats what I was doing, putting on my usual outfit and just waiting for them to knock, and enter.

And it didn't take too long for that to happen, usually it takes longer. But they must really be excited.

"Hey Y/n! You ready?" Amy greeted, the other girls with smiles on waiting outside behind her.

"Yeah, I'm just curious to what's gotten you all so happy, and excited today." I said, locking and closing my door. So nobody tries to steal anything.

Especially my cookies, and bacon!

"Like we said, you'll know by the end of the day. Or, at least when we have to disband for the day." Rouge said.

"I know. But I'm just so curious about it." I said, before I had an idea.

"Can I have a hint?" I asked having a mischievous smile on my muzzle.

"Nope. No hints, pointers or anything of the sort. Sorry but it much be kept as a secret. No matter what.

I groaned out in annoyance, before we all walked through the town, to our favorite restaurant.

-In the forest-

"Its clear that marking these trees are doing me shit." I said to myself, standing with my hands in fists resting in my hips, having an annoyed look to top it off, as I stared at the many five clawed marked tress.

I only gotten more lost than I was before.

Hell for all I know, I probably when in one big circle.

I groaned in annoyance. Even though I could simply fly out of here. It seems to not work for so long...

Yeah, last time I tried that, I ended up belly flopping in a rose bush. It took a while to get all the thorns from my body, and quills.

Yeah, apparently not all my energy from being trapped has returned to me yet.

But, either way. I'm still lost. I'm getting rather hungry. And not to mention, going on about... Late lunch time? I think? Frkm when I last check the time before breaking free.

(OLD & CRINGY) To Love A Demon Like Him (Sonic.Exe X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now