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All I could see of what just happen, was seeing a black blur charge straight into Exe at full force, as the black blur, and Exe were sent rolling down the hill until they stop, showing Shadow having Exe pinned on the ground.

Hearing Exe let a loud, painful sounding cry, knowing that his abdomen is being crushing into the ground.

"I got him, hurry up and get you tails over here, before a someone interferes." He said through a communicator on his wrist.

I was quickly sliding down the hill, ready to get Shadow off of Exe in a heartbeat.

Kicking Shadow at full force managed to send him off of Exe, as I quickly helped him up, seeing his abdomen covered in grass, dirt and blood dripping from his somewhat open wound.

"Exe! Are you alright?" I asked him, having one oc his arms around me neck, and the other around d him, helpinf him stand.

"Y...yes.... J-just... Hurting.... A lot..." He said quietly and in pain, hissing and growling in it too.

"It will be okay, as soon as we get back home, I tend to it as soon as possible." I whispered to him.

"What do you think your doing with him Y/n?" Shadow asked, standing again, and ready to attack.

"He hasn't harmed nobody, ratherless anything when I found him. He has changed Shadow!" I told him.

"Hmph. He sure death threatened Eggman, wanted to kill him right in the spot. How is that much of a change?" Shadow asked, having his arms crossed.

"Y-you... You don't know... What that man... Has done to me... And it should be plain obvious now..." Exe spoke out to Shadow slowly, and quietly being in pain.

"I'm surprised that you let yourself become so damaged to him. Are you not meant to feel anything, or is that all a lie?" Shadow asked, clearing wanting to unleash the anger in Exe.

"You think I wouldn't be able to feel a giant damned robot stomping me at full force into a metal steel platform? Impaling me with giant ass spikes?! You think I wouldn't feel that?!" Exe snarled, and growled at Shadow, having a rough grip on me, but I dealt wotht it.

"And you think I wouldn't want to kill that man from all that pain?! If you were in my situation, you probably would of done the exact same!!" Exe yelled at Shadow, his voice toning deeper, as his demonic effects took most of his voice.

"Well, I see that now why you came out of no where and attacked him. But still, it doesn't change the fact of you being a murderer of thousands." Shadow said, alright at Exe.

"The only thing I have been able to murder were those tiny birds, pigs chickens and what not! I never killed anyone to begin with!!" Exe yelled at Shadow.

"And, everytime I did attempt to murder someone. I was the only to almost be murder!! If you haven't seen for yourself!!"

"Hmph... Won't matter now." He simply said, before we were both separated from each other quickly, Sonic and Knuckles having Exe pressed of the ground again, while Tails and Silver had a hold of me, keeping me away from them.

"No! Leave him alone!" I told them feeling tears staring to form.

"Y/n, you do realize who this is right? He is a murderer! He could kill all of us if he wanted to!" Silver said.

"No! He isn't, he hasn't harmed anyone!"

"Knux, you got the chains?"

"Yeah, lets just hope this keeps you restrained." Knuckles said, having heavy, steel chain cuff around Exe wrist, as Knuckles, and Sonic had a hold of the ends of them. Like a leash for a dog.

(OLD & CRINGY) To Love A Demon Like Him (Sonic.Exe X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now