Uncaged Demon

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- M/C - Mobian choice, your oc.

-The characters are more modern looking at this point.


Its been about... Two year now, I believe. And everything had been quite fine, beside Eggman attacking of course. But, everything has been good over time.

Sonic and the rest of the guys, finally grew up a little, the girls finally being shorter than them now, well... Except me. I was however still a inch or two taller than Cream.

But either way, now that we all grown up a little bit, Eggman is rather easier to take out, at least by Sonic, Knuckles and Shadow, Silver sometimes too.

But, even though most of us are fifteen, some sixteen and fourteen, well, me and Cream still being the youngest still. Things haven't changed much.

Only thing that has was some of the mass flirting from Rouge, Sonic, and Amy. Im still rather surprised that Sonic has it in him to actually flirt with her. And she does it back every now and then, when she isnt dazed by him.

But, either way. I have lately been working on the Tornado, and a few other small inventions that would help out he crew, like these communication watches, in case we all get separated, and we need for find one another, and what not.

Im probably also going to install a one way communication link, just in case Sonic was to flirt with Amy, and doesn't want us to hear it. Or any other similar reason.

But, speaking about Amy, and the other girls. They also been visiting Y/n too, and she has been doing better. I... For some reason cant remember why but, for most of last year she was... Not the best with mentality, I think she lost someone, someone really close too.

But... I can't remember why, or who it was she lost. But she is much better though, a lot actually.

I just really want to know who she lost was, and what not. I find it so wierd I can't remember who it was... Thats not likely of me to do that.

I do remember that it was a male hedgehog, and he was bound by chains as he was... Caged in some... High tech computer? Or cell? I'm not sure, but it concerns me though that I would forget something like that out of no where.

It could just be me not getting enough sleep though. From working on these communicators, and a few other devices. Also repairing, and tweeking up the Tornado sometime after, or before a mission.

Sometimes Sonic, or Cream has to come in and tell me to sleep, and not worry about my works.

Speaking about works, I was working on on the Tornado, again. We did have to go and stop Eggman again not too long aho, and the Tornado did take on a bit more damage that the other times.

While fixing it, trying to move around it, I accidentally bumped into a table, that had not many used devices on it, one being... A what was a perfectly good laptop, but now it was very well broken. The screen was crack in several places, a hinge was broken the screen disconnected from the body, as the body and keyborad were very much broken, from the impact on the cold, hard floor.

"Oh, man! That could of been bad if it was used one. Why did I make this one again for? It was always sitting here collecting dust." I spoke to myself, picking up some pieces of the broken computer as it sparked here and there.

"Wait... Somethings not right... The air is... Colder... Strangly colder than its supposed to be." O said, feeling a shiver through my fur, as I wrap my arms around myself.

The lights suddenly started to flicker, something wasn't right. At all. There shouldn't be any reason for the lights to be flickering like this.

With in seconds the lights barely worked, the whole lab, or garage going mostly dark, as a shadow figure of a hedgehog stood above the computer.

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