Feeling Classified

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Me and the group of females went out again, me having to be hidden in this cloak again. But, it was for the best. My identity could not get out to nobody else but them.

But, currently I was side by side with Y/n and Cream, seeing as she is probably the second most to trust me. She is a kids after all, so it was obvious.

"So Y/n, how has Exe been treating ya during his little stay?" Rouge asked breaking the silence.

"Yeah, how has it been?"

"Just as it would be having any other friend over injured. But you know... Besides being... Him." She responded to them.

"You do know I'm standing right here right?" I asked them looking at them from under the hood.

"We're still getting use to you. Most of us have only known you for one day. Trust with someone like you doesn't come easy." Tikal told me.

"Right... I understand none of you would forgive me from all the thing I did try to attempt." I said shoving my hands in the pockets of the cloak.

"Well... Your not wrong... But I'm sure that you can redeem yourself. After all, you didnt cause... Too, too much death. At least for other mobians." Amy said.


"Either way, none of that matters now.  So lets quit pushing that topic, and get this day done and over with." Y/n said.

"Its just because you in a dress isn't?" Rouge asked with a smirk.

"Yes, and I didn't plan to go out to the mall to day waisting my day there." She added.

"Oh come on! Its not all that bad, besides you might see something you like, along with Exe possibly." Amy said.

"Maybe is the key word here. But I doubt it." I said.

"Speaking if Exe, I be meaning to ask, why are you so short!?" Amy asked me.

"I... I don't know!! And it isn't funny!!" I yelled at them, unfortunately it was ture I was short compared to them, but thats because I have hit a growth spurt yet.

"It wouldn't make fun of it Amy. You do know what happens when something like this occurres right?" Blaze asked.

"Not really, what?"

"Most of the time the shorter ones now will be a lot more taller later on. Us girls may be taller than most of the boys now, but sooner or later they will be the ones towering." Rouge told her.

"Is that so? Now I can only imagine how tall Sonic would be... Not to mention how much more handsome he'll be..." Amy said having a dreamy look in here eyes.

"I think we can all say the same for our lover boys." Blaze said, as Rouge, Amy, Tikal, let out a dream sounding sigh.

I let out a gag of disgust of hearing about this.

"I would like to keep what ever remains of my guts please." I said.

"Oh shush Exe, you wouldn't understand but... Maybe Y/n would~" Amy said before looking at her with a mischievous glare and smirk.

"What makes you say that, and why are you looking at me like that?" Y/n asked her.

"Oh nothing~ Besides you also secretly imagining you special hedgehog when he's older~" amy said with a playful flirt tone in her voice.

Wait... Her special hedgehog?! Is Y/n seeing someone behind my back?! No wait.... Is she.... IS SHE MEANING ME!?!

"WHAT?!" Both me and Y/n shouted in embarrassment, and surprise.

(OLD & CRINGY) To Love A Demon Like Him (Sonic.Exe X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now