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(I usually never put song recommends or videos for my stories, but... I just feel like that this chapter really needed this one. You don't have to listen to if if you dont want to, unless you want to make yourself tear up, maybe. And I would skip a little bit of the into of the it, for time sakes.)


The moment they left, felt like absolute hell.

I sat there on the couch for what felt like hours, tears falling freely down my face. Already missing him, his voice, his presence, his touch, I miss everything about my demonic, hedgehog lover.

And I knew he was probably missing me just as much, but trying to hide it from the hero's.

But I will remember him, even though, it hurts like hell. And I'm sure he would think, and feel the same thing.

Knowing him, and how much he did loved me as much, he is just as bad.

I can only hope that they at least be easy on him taking him to their place, but knowing Knuckles, I highly doubt it.

I do wonder what the girls reaction would be however to seeing him at their place. They would probably rush over here too see me after hearing what happened when they found us last night, if they don't know yet.

I'm not ready to talk about it however. This depression is going to be hitting hard, well. It already did, but its going to be one hell of a trip of it.

Because who knows how long me and Exe will ever see each other again, it could be weeks, months, years, maybe even decades before we see each other again.

And thats what horrifies me. To never see him in such a long timespan, like decades. It would drive me nuts, or I... Would eventually get over it, and move on...

No, I can't ever forget about him, but I also cant hold on to him forever like this. I've learned that the hard way, to not hold on to the past like that.

But yet... To always remember him? And to always be reminded of this scene? The last time I saw him? The last time I heard him? The last time I got to hug him, and say goodbye to him...

Its just too much to bare... I don't want to hold on, and move one. But I cant ever forget him, without being hurt in the heart from this event.

But for right now... I just want to be not okay, cause its not okay...

Its never okay to be forced apart from someone you loved so much, by others who doesn't care about our relationship, or for love. And only for what's right to the world, and community.

And that had to be of ridding Exe's existence from the world. To hide and lock him up. Forever.

Just why did have to be this way? Why?! But, its better than have him tortured for as long as he is caged.

I know he deserved this, after the many lives he has stolen, but... It hurts as well seeing him leave, just after falling so deeply in love with him.

It always hurts losing someone you love, no madder what they have done. Once you love them, you love them for life. Well, in my case it is.

I understand not all relationships are prefect, or stable. And that love interest dies down, for some. But in my case, its rather correct.

But for now... I just want to be alone, and to cry the storm of tears away. Cause today just hurts like hell.


"You think you wouldn't know how to not, yank my wrist off!" I yelled at the red echidna, he kept yanking on his chain lead rather harshly, when I was falling behind.

I don't blame him for hating me that much, but, come on asshole. Do you not have any sympathy? Or respect? For anyone that has, and still is going through what I am?

Actually, why would anyone have sympathy for me? Except Y/n, she is, and probably is the only one to actually show, and give me sympathy.

"Well then keep up! Your suppose to be as fast as Sonic, aren't you? So stop being so slow, and quit falling behind." He snarled at me, with pure hatred.

"Grr.... You know nothing of what pain I am, and have gone through. I have plently of reasons to take it easy. Mister hot head." I growled back at him, with a sharp toothed snarl on my muzzle.

He was about to charge at me, if it wasn't for the Sonic, the only one thats being, rather passive about it, stopped him from landing a fist on me. Injured enough as is.

"Knux, calm down. You have to admit, the guy has gone through a lot. Just dont talk to him, and ease up on him already." Sonic told the enraged echindna, who had a tick mark on his head.

"Why should I ease up on him!? Have you not seen, or heard, of the many twisted things this demon has done?!" He yelled back at my good copy.

"Trust me Knuckles. I am aware, but you, Tails, and apparently Eggman have already taught him a lesson, three, painful, lessons. And still in the process of healing from Eggman. Not to mention taking him away from the only one he has ever cared about, and cares for him back. He has had enough physical pain, for punishment."

Sonic told Knuckles, making him huff, as he had a hold of the chain lead again, as the walk to their place continued on, in silence.

I just wished that none of this was happening. I wished I was just still in bed, or on the couch cuddling my Y/n, in my arms.

I have always taken other lives from others, I never realized how losing someone so close, and dear could hurt so much. Like hell, to be precise.

But... Now that I am experiencing what it feels like to lose someone so close to me, that I love...

I can't even being to describe it...

But, I do know for a fact it does come with a lot of emotional pain endurance, and lots of tears flow.

The red blood stains under my eyes have never been as dark, or vibrant redike thjs before. They were always faded, and not too noticeable.

Now anyone the looks at me would see the visible, darken red under my eyes. Its just the way I cry apparently. And I never thought I could do such a pathetic thing.

But then again... Sometimes its okay to. I am aware that I am can't be strong and hide them forever. Crying, doesn't mean I'm weak, it means I care. And I care about me having to be taken away from my sweet, caring

I guess I'm not as emotionless as I though I was. I have been aware of this for a while, ever since I got my ass handed to me by... Knuckles.

Ever since then, I felt this empty, hallow, and cold lifeless like feeling flow through me. The feeling of depression at its finest I am supposing.

And its only going to get worse during the time I an kept away from Y/n. I dont know how long I am going to be trapped in this cell. I don't know if I'll ever see the light of day, or the dark of night again. I dont know if I'll ever be able to ever escape, and finally see my, precious Y/n, again.

But... Until then, I'm just going to be hurting like hell.

(OLD & CRINGY) To Love A Demon Like Him (Sonic.Exe X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now