Surprise Visits

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"Okay. Okay. Everyone, calm down. Nobodies going to hurt nobody." I said, the three girls, and chao standing near the now closed, and locked door.

"Y-y/n... Please... Tell me, or us... Who in the love of Mobius is that." Amy asked me, not daring to look over the couch to see Exe.

"Ugh... Exe, remember how I said that if they come, they come and we have to tell them? Well... Its that time." I said, looking over the couch seeing him still having his quills hold down to his back.

"J-just tell them to leave! Simple as that." He said, unfortunately he doesn't know that Amy is rather stubborn, so thats a negative.

"I'm afraid I can't do that bud... Just come on, the sooner I introduce you to them properly, the sooner I get back in the kitchen to cook my so good pancakes, and bacon.

I heard him growl knowing he would do anything for the bacon. He sat up, letting his quills go, but the girls could only see his quills and back side. For now of course.

"Wait, Sonic? It was you this whole time?" Amy asked.

I saw a grin appear on his muzzle.

"Am I Sonic?" He questioned before chuckling darkly.

"I am no where near like Sonic. Amy Rose." Exe said in a darken tone, finally facing Amy, and the others, his face, and eyes making them huddle together in fear.

"I am Sonic.Exe! Demon of Sonic. And most importantly, I am God!!' He exclaimed, giving them a wide, sharp tooth smile. Showing off his dark yellow razor sharp fangs.

"Alright Exe. Chill." I said in a warning tone, seeing him look back to me.

"Oh, come on. You seriously expect me not to terrorize the so loved ones of the ones I hate?" He asked me.

"Well... Yes and no. I did when you finish introducing yourself. And now that you did, stop it." I told him, only to get a growl in response.

"You think you can tell me what to do?" He said walking over to me.

"Alright, if thats how you want to act. You aren't getting any bacon." I told him, making him freeze.

"Grr... Fine. Anything for that bacon." He said, before levitating back in the couch.

"Uh... We'll be in the kitchen too." Amy said, the others following.

"Alright Y/n. You got a lot of explaining to do. We might not be too familiar with this... Sonic.Exe, but Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails have told us about him." Amy said.

"Not to mention the amount of innocent deaths he caused." Tikal said.

"Ms. Y/n... Why would you let someone like... Him in your house, or anywhere near you?" Cream asked.

"Alright. I get it. Just... Let me get breakfast done for him first." I told them. Just finishing the bacon, and pancakes.

"I'm smelling heaven again.~" Exe said out of no where. Making the other three girls yelp, jumping away away him, as he was right behind them.

"Oh. I'm sorry. Did I scare you ladies?~" He asked in a creepy-teasing tone, grinning his fangs to no ends.

"Here ya go you carnivorous hedgehog." I said sliding him his plate down the counter.

"Hmph. This means I still have to reframe from terrorizing them. Doesn't it?" He asked with a blank face.


"Fuck you."

Hearing a gasp from Amy, and Tikal, seeing them covering Cream, and Cheeses ears. (Sides of the head for Cheese)

(OLD & CRINGY) To Love A Demon Like Him (Sonic.Exe X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now