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(Sorry about my absence, had a lack of motivation)

I got Exe, and myself back to my place as quick as I could, without his newly clawed marked chest causing him pain.

After having him seated on my couch again, and fetching a bolw of water, and a rag, I immediately got to cleaning the blood from his whole face, and his abdomen.

"If I weren't a bleeding, and in pained mess right now, I could be smothering you in hugs, and kisses." He said, his voice way deeper than I last remember. It sounded more like Sonics, but deeepr and having his usual demonic voice in it too.

"I know, and as bad as I want that too. You can tell me what the hell happened for this to happen! You probably just got back into the world and already in a days time your already fucked up!!" I told him, wiping the blood of his abdomen now.

"Uh... Hehe. Well, getting lost in the woods, and getting too close to a mama bears kids tends to lead to stuff like that." He said nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

"Honestly... Why am I not surprised that would happen. Ratherless, why do I gett the feeling this isn't going to be the last time you hurt yourself like this?" I ask, as I finished cleaning him from the blood, now getting to wrapping him. The ones around his eye were going to be an issue.

"Oh, yeah sure. Like I enjoy you turning me into a mummy." He said crossinf his arms with a slight pout.

"But... I don't know. But I wasn't the only one to leave a nasty scar. But, honestly... I don't think I want to go forest hiking ever again." He said. As I finished wrapping his abdomen, his whole body needing to be wrapped from one slash being all the way down his body pretty much.

"Either way. Im just happy to be back here, with you." He said, pulling me into a tight hug. Which I immediately gave into.

"And I'm happy you are back home with me." I said, resting my head lightly on his chest. While hearing him let out a purr.

"But, yet. Even all the time you were gone, and in that computer. You still manage to change, appearance wise." I said, slipping over next to him.

"Oh, so your just now finally noticing my longer, messy, quills, with having smaller strands stuck out? Along with my fur being a more darken blue than before? And my voice, noting how much deeper, and creepier its matured? And finally, how I am quite a lot taller than you now?" He said, levitating up, and on his feet, as he was decently a good few inches taller than me now.

"I suppose my new size, and slight built body is worth calling godly now?" He asked with a smuged smirk on his muzzle, his pointed, sharp teeth haven't changed much.

"Uh... Yeah. But, still sorry about not not noticing the obvious, changes. I was busy trying not to let you bleed out to death on my couch. Just like two years ago." I told him.

"Yeah how I would not like to recall that... I mean, at least for the wounds, and being technically disabled, but if that didn't happen, I would of met you." He said with a nervous, small smile. Looking up at me with his eyes, as he faced the floor.

"Gotta at least be thankful for that."

"But, now that I am here. And I can walk decently normal. Imma raid your cookie, and bacon supply now." He said getting up and already snagging my cookie container with his newly sharp claws.

"NO! Not my cookies and bacon! Not again!" I got up to go and save my cookies, and bacon.

I went up to him to try and take back my the cookie container from his claws.

"Aww... You want them back? Try and get them." He said in a teasing baby voice, holding the container above his head, where I could not reach. Curse his new found height.

(OLD & CRINGY) To Love A Demon Like Him (Sonic.Exe X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now