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I sat up in the bed, Y/n wasn't even up yet, I woke up way earlier than expected. But... I just couldn't sleep, not that I dont need to sleep. I just can't. Not after what happened a few hours ago.

Not to mention the debate in my mind going on. One side telling me to leave without saying goodbye, or if I do stay and say goodbye to her.

I didnt want to see her sadden, tear stained face when I go, but I also dont want to leave without saying goodbye.

Its pathetic really. I just told the love of my life how I felt, and I'm already leaving her.

Its just as pathetic as my attempts to kill that fox, echinda, and fatass. Honestly, I have been wondering if everything I do is just a pathetic attempt.

I have also been questioning my existence, and purpose too. Seriously, is my existence just nothing of being a creepy version of Sonic that kills everyone and thing? Same going for my purpose, just to be nothing but an absolute monster that fails to even kill a kid.

Is this really what Chaos made me to be? Or is this just how I chose to be?

I never really knew how I came into existence. I just opened my eyes, and I saw life, and... I want to destroy it. As the form of that blue hedgehog all most everyone mistakes me as.

I just don't get it... All I know is that I am an absolute pathetic excuse of a creature of death, destruction... Love...

I shook my head, ridding of those though, looking at Y/n seeing her faceing me, peacefully sleeping. Kinda cute when she is too.

I honestly don't deserve her. I really don't. What kinda of monster, and demon like me, deserves someone as sweet, generous, and perfect like her.

I don't even deserve life. Even I am aware of that, yet I couldn't die even if I want to. I would just reappear back to life, I couldn't kill myself even if I tried.

All I can do is just go through extreme amount of pain, and be locked away forever. And thats probably what the hero's had in store for me. Except for the pain probably.

But I doubt if the girls could help. Rouge might be able too being a G.U.N agent, and spy, hacker maybe? I dont even think she would be able to crack the code. At least in a long time.

I'm just going to have to come to terms that im just going to be stuck in whatever this computerized cell they made up. Forever.

Then again, its probably for the best if I was technically erased out of existence. Nobody would be afraid, nobody would worry, nobody would die... And... Someone would be heartbroken...

Make that two someones.

I have felt this feeling many times. This useless, empty, hallow feeling. I think mortals call it depression. Me, I call it a feeling I should also not possess, but I felt it a little after being stabed by that fox. It only got worse after that encounter with that echinda.

Sure there was rage for a while, but it soon died down into similar thoughs I am being cursed to have now.

I am getting use to it though... Slowly, but I am. And I despise

"Exe? You alright?" I heard a tired, soft voice asked next to me, seeing her tiredly sit up, rubbing her eye.

"Yeah... Well... I guess so. I just can't sleep." I told her.

I felt her rest her head on my shoulder.

"I know your worried about the heros coming over earlier. I cant sleep because of them either." I heard her say.

"You too huh? Well, we might as well not go to sleep, knowing that none of us cant." I said, getting out of her bed, hissing a little from my wound, but just a little.

(OLD & CRINGY) To Love A Demon Like Him (Sonic.Exe X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now