What A Meeting

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F/a - Favorite animal, or what ever your mobian oc is.

F/c- Favorite color. Or main color of fur, feathers, or scales of you oc. You can have other color markings.

F/of - favorite outfit, or whatever clothes design your oc wears.

If you also happen to know what this version of Exe sound like from Eggmans Chaos Emerald, thats the voice I would consider.


I slowly opened my eyes, or eye. Since my right was still scared after what that... Twin tailed rodent did to my beautiful face. I still have a grudge on that event. I have a grudge on him that red echidna, and that fat guy!

After all those humiliated defeats, from the three of them I starting to wonder why I'm even go after them anyway. I mean what's next? I go after that pink rat next, and get hammered down into the ground and into a pulp?

Actually.... I take it back, that probably could actually.

If I managed to get impaled with a cross by a two tailed dog, in a pikachu costume, punched in the gut, and chest at machine gun speed by that lazy echidna, and out runned, and then stompped out into space by that fat ass!

There's no telling what other terrible, and humiliated defeats to killing of Sonic, and his friends at this point.

But, passing that topic for later... I realized I was not in the same creator I was laying when crashing down into this pathetic planet, and on a rather comfortable couch in someone's house.

Okay, there are many questions here. One being... WHAT THE FUCK?!  Two being... WHY THE HELL?! And three... WHY THE FUCK AM I IN SOME MOBIANS HOUSE?!

Oooh... This poor sod best hope they know who their dealing with. I dont allow random mobians taking me, and then just putting me in their house.

Thats like... So many levels creepy. And I'm a demon. Not even I go around stalking people.

I sat up, only to feel a sharp, mass pain from my while entire body. Let out one of my usual... Pain filled crys, from the massive wave of pain.

"Whoa there. Take it easy, you still need to rest after being..." I snapped my head over to a feminine voice.

"Being what?" I said with a growl, seeing a female f/a, with f/c fur/feathers, and f/of staring at me with wide f/c eyes.

I kinda found myself softening my gaze to the female mobian. I wasn't expecting it to be a girl, at least one I didnt know. I'd figure that the only girl that would save me would be Amy. After all, everyone knows how blind she is.

"Who... Who are you?" I herd the girl asked, snapping me out of my own thoughts.

"Who am I? I should be asking you. Everyone should know me." I said.

"Well... I'm afraid I haven't heard of you. I know you aren't Sonic. You would of been dead if you were from the giant hole in your chest." She said.

"Well at least your clever, unlike a few pathetic mortals I know of, who mistaked me from the blue rat." I said, crossing my arms.

"Are you also calling yourself that? You are blue too." She asked.

"Wha? D-dont use my own words like that against me! Don't you know your talking with a god?!" I shouted.

"You? A god? Well... If you say so." She said rather carelessly before sitting back in the chair snaking on what looked liked chips/chocolate.

"You dont believe me do you?" I asked.

(OLD & CRINGY) To Love A Demon Like Him (Sonic.Exe X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now