Mid & Morning Craziness

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After making dinner, for both myself, and the carnivorous hedgehog I still had staying in my house, we both talk as we were earlier, and before either of us noticed it was late.

And I knew Exe had sharp teeth, but seeing him yawn, and showing off way more razor sharp teeth that any hedgehog would have.... It kinda makes you feel like he would do more than eat stuff with those teeth.

I wouldn't be surprised if he actually murdered people with those dark yellowed fangs of his.

But after leaving him to sleep in the living room on the couch. I had a bed, and a pillow to make out with. Figuratively of course.

My thoughts did wander a bit before actually falling to sleep. Such as wondering what would happen if Exe and I were to bump into the hero's? How would he react? More or less... What if I could hold him back?

Such though however were snapped out. Due to me remembering that he was still wounded, he could get up and move much if he wanted too. But he can levitate, so that might be a small issue.

But just for how long? And how long would it take for him to fully recover?

He said in a full weeks time, along with another day, or two he would be completely recovered, one hundred percent.

Also, once he was recovered. Would he leave to go and cause more death out in the world? What if he actually stayed here?

Answer I know I will never get unless I was some psychic, but that's not what I am. (Sorry if your oc has that power)

Eventually I did fall asleep, banishing the thoughts for a later day.

Enjoying the peaceful moments of sleep. I was all of a sudden woken to the sounds of something falling on the floor.

Quickly, yet quietly I walked to where the noise came from, sounding from the kitchen.

From what I saw, I could see a dark floating figure, seeing the mystery mobian slice a claw into a plastic container of cookies I bought not that long ago.

"Hey! Get away from the cookies vile shadow!" I said to the figure turing on the kitchen light. The dark figure, becoming a blue hedgehog let out a small, demonic cry, as he fell on his knees, his face covered with his blood tipped gloves.

"Exe? What are you doing attacking my package of cookies in the middle of the night?" I asked, putting the cookies back from where Exe grabbed them.

"Oh, come on. Is it a crime now to steal just one?" He asked.

"I'm surprised you actually eat them really. I thought you like all things meat, and bloody. Not sweet, and taste. Not that I blame you cookies are delicious." I said.

"Exactly, as to why I was attempting to take one. Or in your perspective, steal one." He said, floating back up again, his arms crossed.

"But still... How dare you steal my cookies! I was the one who bought them after bringing you in my own damn house!" I said slapping him on top of the head.

"Sorry not sorry." He said with a wide grin.

"Besides, weren't you asleep not a few seconds ago?" He asked, floating on his back, having his hands behind his head.

"I was until I heard something drop in here." I told him.

"Oh, right... Yeah, apparently Im just too short to reach your cabinets and actually get a hold of the container of cookies." He said.

"How dare you, you little midget cookie stealer!" I told him, bonking him on the head again.

"I would appreciate it much if you stop doing that." He simply said, rubbing the same spot on his head from wher I smacked him.

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