A New Problem

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I flew back to Y/ns house, after taking somewhat care of the recent issue, only to be replaced by a soon to be bigger one.

Them finding out about me will be my fault. If that echidna, or fox realize what I meant what I said.

Not to mention, I'll have to stay hidden even more, I can't go out for a while now, because if they did know they would keep and eye out for someone in a cloak. My cloak to be precise.

I could be in some deep waters here in this new possible issue.

But for now, I have to figure out how to tell Y/n and the other girls about this new problem. After walking in the house of course.

"I am back, and I am sorry I took off out of no where like that." I said, closing the door behind me, before being tackled into a tight hug from
Y/n, grunting out from the sudden contact, and from a small thing of pain from my abdomen.

"Don't ever go flying off like that again with out warning!" She said, digging her face into the cloak, her arms wrapped around my neck. I stood there frozen for a minute before I wrapped my arms around her back, resting my head on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry about that Y/n, I sorta lost my temper when I saw the same robot Eggman used..." I said.

"Its fine, just please don't go flying off blinded in pure rage. But mire importantly, did any of the heroes see you?" She asked me, as I rubbed the back of my head with a nervous chuckle.

"Well... You see. I kinda did said a little too much, but not to where they know its fully me. It all depends if Knuckles or Tails caught on with what I said." I explained, looking up at her with a semi nervous look.

"Oh, Chaos... Exe." She said.

"But! Hey, look on the bright side at least we uh... Um... Okay, there... Really is no bright side here for this issue..." I said.

"Yeah, you think?"

"Uh, we hate to interrupt, but we should probably get going. Well, Amy will be back, considering she is going to have to stay the night here." Rouge said.

"Right... Well will be back, and we'll try to throw our guys off on your trail, if they think that you, Exe are staying here." Amy said, as her and the group of girls made their way to the door.

"I appreciate you doing that." I said. "We both do I'm pretty sure." I added, nodding my head towards Y/n.

"Anytime. But we'll, or I will see you when I get back from getting a little thing to take back. But besides that we'll see you two later." Amy said, opening the door and walking out, the others also giving their partings as they left not too far behind Amy.

"Well, now that we're alone. Exe, what exactly did you get yourself into?" Y/n asked with a slight sigh.

"Hey! I'm sorry, I acted out of pure rage, and hatred on the old man, and I did kinda spoke a little to Sonic and the others, but not to where they know its me. Unless Knuckles or Tails realize from what I told them, or from the computer ping when I teleport." I told her.

"What exactly did you tell them?" She asked, as we made our way to the couch, resting on it. As I finally took the cloak off.

"I told them they knew nothing of the pain that man has caused me, along with two of their other friends. But I didn't specify who however." I told her.

"Knuckles and Tails are the only ones beside Eggman that has done anything painful to you... So that makes sense now." She said, having a troubled, or worried expression.

"You seem to be troubled. What's bugging you?" I asked her.

"I'm just... I'm just concerned and worried of what will happen if you are found, and they come after you." She said looking up at me with concern in her eyes.

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