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"If there is at least a chance of us finding something, I am going with you guys!" Tommy said, looking in Sapnap's direction while sitting at a table between Dream and Tubbo.

Everyone was there. Dream, George, Sapnap, Tommy, Tubbo, Niki, Wilbur, Fundy, and Eret discussing the plans. "Wilbur told Tommy he can't go! He is still getting used to this new lifestyle. Besides what if we don't find anything?!" Fundy said.

"That's a risk I'll have to take!" Tommy argued. "I don't know Tommy, Fundy has a point. You should stay here in L'Manberg." Wilbur said. "You can't be serious!" Tommy yelled.

"Tommy goes." Dream said finally speaking up. "WHAT?!" everyone except George yelled. "Tommy will be going with us. He has every right to know what we find. If we find anything." Dream said.

"George?" Niki asked. "I trust Dream's judgement. If he says Tommy should come then he should. Dream has been the one looking after Tommy." George answered.

Wilbur sighs, "Alright fine. Tommy goes." "YES!" Tommy said happily.

"Alright now we gotta discuss actual plans." Dream said. "Well some far we can leave tomorrow and it'll take three days to get to the library but with Dream's injuries and Tommy it might take five." Sapnap explained. "If we have any chance of getting Tommy's sight back we are going." Tubbo said.

"Agreed." Wilbur said. "Then it's settled, we leave at dawn tomorrow." Dream said before standing. "Tommy a word." Dream added before walking out. Tommy stood and walked out with Dream meeting him outside the room.

"Thank you for sticking up for me." Tommy thanked meeting Dream outside the room.

"Of course. You have a right to be there with everyone. But, I need you to understand if we don't find anything then that doesn't change who you are. That doesn't make you different. If we don't find anything then we keep going we keep pushing through." Dream exclaimed walking alongside Tommy. "Okay, but what if we only find something that only one person can use?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Dream asked. "Well, don't you want to see too?" Tommy asked him. "Tommy right now you are the number one priority. I have been dealing with this a lot longer than you have and I can handle it. Don't worry about me if there is only one then I want you to take it." Dream answered, laying a hand on his shoulder.

"Are you sure?" Tommy asked him. "Positive, I want to look after you Tommy. I want to help anyway I can. Even if it isn't much." Dream said.

Tommy looked in his direction then slowly nodded understanding.

"Alright go get everything ready for tomorrow." Dream said. "Okay." Tommy simply said before turning to walk away.


At dawn the following morning everyone was ready to go and headed towards the forest following the map.

"How are you doing?" George asked Dream walking next to him. With the two of them being in the back it allowed Dream to show a little bit more affection towards George so he reached down and intertwined their hands together.

"I'll be fine Georgie. Trust me. I'll let you know if I'm hurting or not." Dream said leaning his head against George's. "Promise?" George asked. "I promise." Dream said.

George nods and they continue to walk for a bit longer.

It was about to turn dark when everyone stopped to set up camp and to grab something to eat.

"So, when are you gonna tell the others?" Tommy asked Dream as they walked side by side to look for some food. "Tell the others what?" Dream asked. "That you are blind too. I mean they will find out won't they." he said.

"Tommy, they should worry about you not me. I can survive this. Now I'm not saying you can't what I'm saying is that you don't deserve to go through this." Dream explained.

Tommy sighed "That still doesn't answer my question. When are you gonna tell the others, other than George who figured it out on his own?" Tommy asked. "When this whole thing is over. That way it'll be too late for them to try and help me." Dream said.

"Fine..." Tommy said before turning and walking back to the camp.

Dream quietly sighed before he continued on his own. About an hour later he came back with some food. "Thanks Dream!" Sapnap said, taking a portion.

Camp was already set for the night so once everyone was done they went to sleep.

"Dream? What's wrong?" George asked, sitting next to Dream against a tree. "Tommy wants me to tell the others about the whole me being blind thing and I don't think I should because they should focus on Tommy." Dream explained.

"Well I think you should tell them soon but you don't have to tell them now or during this trip if you don't want to." George said lay his chin on Dream's shoulder.

Dream stayed quiet leaning his head on George quietly thinking to himself.

"Don't stress about it, Dream. We can worry about it if we even find this library." George responded. Dream slowly nodded before distinguishing the fire and leaned back against George to fall asleep.

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