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By the time George and Wilbur got back with Dream, Niki had finished bandaging Tommy. George helped Dream lay down and removed his damaged chest plate and carefully rolled up his hoodie. "This might sting a little." George warned before carefully cleaning around the cut.

Dream hissed in pain as a burning and stinging sensation went through his entire body. George ran his hand through his dirty blonde hair trying to calm him down. "Calm down. If you tense up it'll feel worse." George said.

Dream's labored breathing was already bad enough so he slowly tried to relax his body long enough to let George bandage him. As George sat him up to bandage it he asked what had happened.

"There was a horde of mobs following Tommy so I told Wilbur to go after Tommy and I'd hold off the horde and I didn't hear the skeleton and it shot an arrow at me and it barely missed me." Dream answered. "You need to be more careful Dream. I don't want you to get hurt." George lectured.

Dream quietly chuckles, "You worry too much." "And you're an idiot." George pouted, crossing his arms and turning away. Dream laughed a little before slowly standing up using the sword to walk. "Where are you going?!" George asked. "To go check on Tommy." Dream answered. "Dream you should be resting." "I know and I will after I go see Tommy." Dream stated.

"Fine then let me help you." George said walking over to help support Dream. "How's he doing Tubbo?" Dream asked, finding the chair and sitting in it. "He is awake but he isn't responding to anyone." Tubbo said.

Dream looked in Tubbo direction. "Can I talk to him for a minute alone?" Dream asked. "Yeah." Tubbo nodded before standing up and walking out of the room with George.

Dream heard shifting as Tommy was lowly moving in the bed. "Tommy, I want you to listen to me. You won't have to say anything to this now or later. Just listen-" Dream said pausing for a second before he continued.

"-Tommy you are a strong kid. One of the strongest teenagers I have ever seen. Your bravery, courage, and dedication has made L'Manberg what it is. When you challenged me to that duel that took bravery, you showed up with courage, you might have lost but you were still determined to have L'Manberg has it's own. You gave up your most prized possession. You were dedicated to L'Manberg and I admire that about you Tommy. That's why I know this won't drag you down. I could even teach you how to make it your advantage." Dream explained.

"Why?...." he head Tommy and looked at the teen. "Why do you care so much?" Tommy asked emotionless. "Because I was once in your place. Except I had no one to help me. So let me help you." "What do you mean you were in my place?" Tommy asked the older male sitting beside him. Dream went quiet for a second then sighs.

"Because I'm just like you Tommy. I'm blind." 

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