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It was silent only the sound of their footsteps. Karl, Sapnap, and Tommy were talking down the long corridor working their way to the end. "What if we don't find anything?" Karl asked. "We will Karl. We will." Tommy said, turning back in his direction.

"How do you know?" Sapnap asked. "I don't know but, if there is a chance then I'll still have hope." he said, continuing to walk forward.

"Watch out!" Tommy yelled, pulling Karl and Sapnap back.

They watched as arrows with flames flew past them hitting the opposite wall. "How did you know?" Karl asked, shocked. "I-I heard the tripwire hook snap." Tommy stuttered, shocked at his own actions.

"How did you learn to listen that closely even with people talking?" Sapnap asked. "D-Dream taught me. He told me that everything has it's own individual sound and that no matter what I should listen even with people talking. Yes, it's harder but it's possible. You just have to focus. He also told me that we rely to much on our eyes and we have to learn to 'see' without them." Tommy explained.

"Wow... I didn't expect that." Sapnap said. "What?" Tommy asked. "I just wasn't expecting that. How does Dream know that?" Sapnap asked. Tommy shrugged before he kept walking through.

Sapnap and Karl slowly followed behind Tommy to head to the next section of the hallway.

By the time the three of them reached the end of the hallway they met up with Wilbur, Eret, Fundy, Tubbo, and Niki at the entrance of the library.

"Where's Dream and George?" Wilbur asked. "Dream wasn't doing well for a minute so they stopped. George said they would catch up." Sapnap explained.

"Speak of the devil." Fundy said point to the two as the walk out where Tommy, Sapnap, and Karl just came from.

"Come on let's go find this book." Dream said motioning into the library.

The group nodded following him in.

The place was massive! Shelves upon shelves of books. They were either normal history books, books the held legends, enchantments, or the common curses, such as binding, vanishing, but there was nothing about blindness.

But, there was one book in the middle. One that stood more proud amongst the rest. Wilbur and George walked up to the book and flipped through it. "This is it!" George announced.

"Really?!" Tommy asked, getting excited running up to them. "Yeah! It's a potion! All the ingredients we need are here!" Wilbur said happily looking at Tommy. "It says once the potion is made it can only be used once. The user must drink all of the potion in order for it to take it's full effect. If not completely consumed then the user will be half blind." George read.

George looked at Dream with sadness. Even though George couldn't see his face he could tell that Dream was happy for Tommy. But, he could feel sadness coming from Dream. "I'll start the potion!" Tubbo said running off after reading the ingredients.

"Dream? I think you should tell them." Tommy said motioning to the others. "Tell us what?" Karl asked, stepping in. "No Tommy, not until you drink that potion." Dream said. "Dream! You heard Wilbur! Even if I don't drink all of it I'll still be able to see! But... if there is something that I learnt from you is that when you can. You try to put others before yourself and I realized through this whole thing is that I have been very selfish...." Tommy said.

"The only reason I got into this mess was because Sapnap killed Henry and my horse and because I took Mars. If I didn't act rash I wouldn't be in this mess. But, I'm glad I was because I wouldn't have gotten to realize the fact is that I barely put people before myself. You put George, Sapnap, hell even me! Before yourself! You help through this whole thing! You taught me so much so now let me help you. Let me teach you how to let others help you instead of doing things alone." Tommy finished.

Dream was flabbergasted and looked in Tommy's direction, shocked. "I had that much of an impact on you?" Dream asked. "Yes! You did! I probably would be dead if it wasn't for you! So, please drink some of it Dream." Tommy added.

"What is going on?!" Fundy asked. "When did Tommy get so heart to heart?" Sapnap asked. Both Dream and Tommy lightly chuckle "You sure? I mean this is your one and only chance to turn back." Dream said. "Oh god damnit Dream drink the potion." Tommy said.

Dream laughs lightly. "Okay.... I will." Dream said after a small pause. "So, is anyone gonna answer my question?" Fundy asked.

Dream nodded before walking slightly forward to stand closer to George. "The only reason why Tommy knows how to move around is because I also am blind and have been for a few couple years now and well I taught him what I know. And, just like Tommy I have the same white eyes as he does." Dream explained. "It all makes sense now!" Sapnap yelled. "It's done!" Tubbo yelled happily.

George grabbed another bottle as Tubbo poured half the potion in the other. "Now I must warn you guys. You'll feel a bit dizzy from the effects of the potion but you should be fine by morning. So we will camp here for the night." Wilbur said.

Both Tommy and Dream nod holding their bottles. Before looking at each other. "Let's hope this works." Dream said. "Well if it doesn't we still live." Tommy grinned.

Dream nods he drinks his followed by Tommy. Almost instantly the two got dizzy. Dream slightly leaned on George while Wilbur caught Tommy before he hit the ground.

George helps Dream sit down. He laid Dream's head in his lap while running his hands through his hair. Wilbur handed Tommy over to Tubbo while he got everyone comfortable for the night. They were all hoping that this potion worked. 

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