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After about four days of travel the group had arrived at the spot where the ruins were supposed to be located. "Nothing is here. Not a single thing." Wilbur said. "We came out here for nothing." he finished.

"Let me see." George said, taking the map.

George looked over the map for about a minute before agreeing with Wilbur. "He's right it's supposed to be here."

Dream split off from the group to feel around the area. When accidentally hit a tree with the bottom of his axe it sounded hollow.

He knocked on the trunk again to confirm it which in fact was hollow. He felt a lever and he pulled it down and heard a door open. "Hey guys! Come check this out!" Dream yelled to the group.

George walked over and it was a spiral staircase down. "Well let's go." Wilbur said, taking the lead with Tubbo. Everyone else soon followed with Dream, Tommy, George, and Sapnap in the back. "Looks like you were right after all Sapnap. There is something here." George said looking around as they went down. "It's almost like the stronghold but fancier." Eret said.

"This looks incredible!" Tubbo said, looking around fascinated along with Fundy.

At the bottom of the stairs was a corridor that was pitch black.

Fundy grabbed Wilbur's shoulder before they kept moving. "Wait there could be traps. Whoever was here years ago clearly didn't want this place to be found if it ever was it could be layered with traps." Fundy said. "Alright then how do you suppose we go?" Wilbur asked. "First we need a torch so we can see." Sapnap said.

Eret lit a torch and Fundy led the way carefully moving around the traps.

"Come on we are almost through." Eret said. They got through the tunnel and the ground began to shake. A wall moved between the two groups leaving Dream, George, Karl, Sapnap, and Tommy on one side and Wilbur, Eret, Fundy, Niki, and Tubbo on the other.

"Try to find the library. We will meet you there!" Dream yelled hoping Wilbur heard him. "Come on. we can head this way." Karl said pointing left. They started walking left while Tommy and Dream walked slightly behind.

"What if we don't find anything?" Tommy asked. "Don't worry Tommy. we are bound to find something. I mean if the library is real there has to be something here." Dream said.

"But what if-" Dream interrupted Tommy by looking in his direction. Even though Tommy couldn't see the look he could feel the stern expression coming from him. "Tommy, keep your hopes up. We might find something and if we don't then we don't. Not much will change." he said.

"That's the thing Dream! Everything will change! I won't be able to see my best friend ever again. I won't get to see the flag that we worked to get independence for! I won't ever get to see my home again. Though you wouldn't understand that." Tommy said with a growl before cutting himself off instantly feeling guilt in his gut. "Dream, I'm sor-"

"I understand completely what it feels like. I understand how it feels to not see the people you love to not see the beauty in the things around. You gotta understand Tommy. I know much more about this than you do. Do not compare suffering with someone who knows the exact pain." Dream snapped before walking slightly ahead.

"What was that all about?" Sapnap asked. Both George and Karl looked at each other not really knowing what to say but unlike Karl, George knew Dream's secret and knew he didn't want to tell anyone yet.

"Don't worry about it Sapnap. Dream is just being dramatic." Tommy said quickly, covering it up and began to walk. 

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