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Dream was awoken by the yells of pure joy. "Haha! It worked! Tubbo it worked!" Tommy yelled happily. "Wait, why are both his eyes blue? He and Dream both used the potion." Fundy pointed out.

Dream slightly groaned to the noise looking up to meet George's gaze. "G-George?" he stuttered slightly.

Wanting answers, this grabbed everyone's attention and they looked towards Dream. "C-Can you see me?" George asked carefully. "George I only see the back of my mask with a little bit of light coming through so no I can't." Dream answered.

Dream reached for his mask before slowly slipping it off and looked at George.

Dream smiled up at him taking in his features again like he did a long time ago. To be honest Dream almost forgot what George had looked like but if it wasn't for his voice then Dream would be able to remember him.

He slowly sat up and looked around at their surroundings. He saw the blue L'Manberg suits, the orange and yellow of fire, the gray walls, the black shadows. "Were you always this adorable?" Dream asked looking back at George.

George smiled, hugging him tight. Dream laughs hugging him back. "Wait, Dream can you see out of both or no?" Wilbur asked

"Both." Dream answer still not breaking the hug with George. "How i s that possible? The book said if two drink the same both then they would both be semi-blind?" Sapnap asked. "Well maybe the book was wrong. The people that wrote this book didn't even understand the curse enough." Fundy explained.

"How do you know?" George asked. "The story that was told on the way. It said they found a curse that they didn't understand and did everything they could to understand and cure this curse but right before they could figure it out the story cuts off. Which says they probably died or disappeared before they could finish." Fundy said. "That's slightly terrifying." Karl said.

"Come on let's pack up and leave so everyone can rest." Wilbur said. "Come on! There is some stuff I wanna show you!" Tommy said, grabbing Dream's wrist pulling him with him back up to the surface.

Wilbur and Tubbo chuckle softly following them with George. Then the others followed behind.

Two weeks went by and Dream wasn't gonna lie he was having a hard time adjusting to having his sight back.

"Still having some trouble?" George asked joining him sitting in front of a lake. "Yeah, I mean don't get me wrong I love it so much. I can finally see Sapnap, Wilbur, L'Manberg, the SMP, and you again. It's just I haven't been able to see it in so long it's just hard taking it in." Dream exclaimed looking over at him.

George slightly leaned on his shoulder looking at the stars. "Well you know you have me here to help you through anything. All you have to do is ask." George said.

Dream smiles gently before leaning against him. "I know and I really do appreciate that Georgie."

George playfully nudges him then kisses his cheek before laying his head back on his shoulder closing his eyes. "Can we stay here tonight? It's peaceful." George mumbles. "Yeah, we can stay here." Dream said laying on his back pulling the smaller boy to his chest and then just stared at him.

"What?" George asked, feeling his gaze on him. "What, I can't look at my cute boyfriend." Dream said. George began to become flustered but he hugged Dream tight, shushing him. "Shhh, go to sleep." he whispered.

Dream gently laughed and returned the hug slowly dozing off with the brit.

"So, how are you feeling?" Tubbo asked, walking next to Tommy. "I feel great! I can see again! Even though I was blind for about a month or two it felt like centuries!" Tommy said. Tubbo chuckles before walking in towards his house. "Well I'll see you tomorrow Tommy."

"See you tomorrow Tubbo." Tommy said walking to his own house with a smile on his face. 

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