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Wilbur led Tubbo, Eret, Fundy, and Niki through the right hallway. There wasn't much to see other than the markings on the wall. They held a story that was told through writing and hieroglyphics. They depicted the Wither, Ender Dragon, and Endermen, and many more.

"Look at this story." Fundy pointed out. "What is it telling?" Wilbur asked, stopping to look at them.

"Basically they are describing curses such as vanishing, and binding. But, they are also describing their curse of creating the wither. and having to run away. This was the first place they went. The story ends here but my guess is that they went to the stronghold. But, then disappeared." Fundy explained.

"How did they disappear?" Tubbo asked. "No one knows." Fundy said. "Interesting." Eret said. "Very." Fundy added.

Meanwhile with Dream and the others. Things were a bit awkward. After Dream's outburst no one has really said anything. They didn't want to anger the masked male anymore than he already was or what he seemed to be.

In reality he wasn't mad at all. He actually felt bad for snapping at Tommy but just hearing Tommy wish to see his home and the people he loved made him angry, it made him realize how much he wanted to see again. He was almost craving his sight back but Tommy was more important.

He couldn't allow the kid to live like this. He just couldn't, that's why he is so determined to get this for Tommy. He would never forgive himself if he took it from himself.

After coming out of his thought he felt a sharp pain in his side. "Dream, you need rest. You have been pushing yourself too much." George said worriedly running up to him.

Dream hadn't realized he was leaning up against the wall holding his side. "I'll be okay. Just let me rest a little bit." he mumbled.

"Sapnap, Karl, and Tommy go on ahead. We will catch up with you guys in a few minutes." George said. "You sure you'll be okay?" Tommy asked. "Yeah, we will be fine." George said. "You'll be okay Tommy. Just remember what I told you and you'll be fine." Dream said sliding down to the floor.

Tommy nodded and walked ahead with Karl and Sapnap.

George looked around before taking off his mask so he could relax a little bit more.

He gently pulled him down so his head was in his lap and pulled up the bottom of his hoodie to check the wound that was healing but slowly. George checked the supplies bag that he had with him and saw a little bit of medical supplies to at least clean the wound and bandage it again. But, it would have to be changed as soon as they got back or it would become infected.

He slowly removed the old bandages and cleaned around the opened wound as carefully as he could. "How are you feeling?" George asked looking down at him. "I'm okay. Feeling a little bit better now that I have sat down for a bit." Dream answered honestly.

George ran his fingers through Dream's hair gently smiling. "You know if there is a way for you and Tommy to get your sight back I want you to take one. You would tell me all the time that you had emerald green eyes but I never got to see them. Though they would be pissed yellow to me, I want to see them." George said looking at him.

"I know but, I would never forgive myself if Tommy had the chance and I took it from him. He didn't deserve what happened. What happened to him was an accident." Dream said looking away.

"Why do you make it sound like you deserve what has happened to you?" George asked curiously.

"I started a war! I I almost killed Tommy in our duel! I did so many unforgivable things to L'Manberg yet they still trust me. They let me into the walls to help Tommy. I deserve this. Every bit of it." Dream confessed. "How long have you felt like this?" George asked calmly looking at the taller male who only slightly curled up to make himself appear smaller.

"Ever since the end of the war." Dream answered. "Well, all I can say is that you didn't deserve this either Dream. So what if the war happened. We are okay now. We all are okay now. Tommy is okay. There is no need to feel guilty." George said.

Dream didn't answer the shorter boy. Either out of fear from what the boy would say or just to absorb the information.

The brit leaned down and gently kissed his forehead to reassure him that everything is okay and everything will be okay.

They both smiled at each other. Even though one of them couldn't see it, he still felt happy in the presence of his boyfriend.

Eventually Dream sat up to slowly stand up. "Come on. we should catch up with the others." Dream said.

George nodded after grabbing Dream's mask. He gently placed it on the taller boy's head after lightly catching his lips in a small tender kiss. The taller of the two retaliated the kiss with the same amount of passion and love.

After the short kiss Dream fixed his mask and stood up to gently pull George to his feet to go and catch up with the others. 

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