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"Wait what?" Tommy asked, slowly sitting up. "Mhm, why do you think I would act weird at different times during the SMP War. I mean they weren't noticeable to cause suspicion but it was enough." Dream answered.

"Now that I think about it you would move around in a strange way." Tommy said. Dream slowly stood up from the chair. "Get some rest Tommy you really do need it." Dream said. Tommy nods before laying back down.

Dream slowly made his way out of the room so Tubbo could go back in there with him. "Dream can I talk to you about something in private?" George asked.

Dream nodded his head. George led him to another room and shut the door.

"What do you need George?" Dream asked, sitting holding his side. "This will come off as a personal question but are you blind Dream?" George asked.

Dream sat there silent for a second. "Dream?" George asked. Dream looked at George then sighs quietly. "Yeah, I am." Dream answered.

"What? How?!" George asked him frantically. "The same way Tommy was. I'm not completely sure of how it happened but it happened and I have been living with it ever since." Dream explained.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

That question lingered in Dream's head for a minute but was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard George walking away. "George, wait." he said, grabbing the brit's wrist. "Dream let go please." George pleaded.

"No, I need you to stay. I know I lied to you. I know I didn't tell you but you gotta understand. I didn't want to worry you with my problems. You're my best friend George and I don't want this to change us. That's why I never told you." Dream confessed.

George looked at Dream then looked at the ground. "Take it off." "What?" Dream asked. "Take off the mask Dream." George said in a more demanding tone.

Dream sat back in his seat before complying and he slowly reached up and pulled the hoodie and mask off his face.

George examined the American's face taking in every feature. The scar across his face, the soft blonde hair, but what stood out the most was his eye color. They were crystal white. George remembered a while ago that his eyes were an emerald green and now they were white?

"Why are your eyes white?" George asked. "Whatever happened slowly drained the eye color making them white. The same thing will happen with Tommy." Dream answered honestly.

George sat down in front of Dream bewildered. Dream gently engulfed George in his arms. Dream was trying to reassure George that it was okay and he was okay, that Tommy was okay. They would all be okay.

"George, everything will be okay. I promise you that I'll be fine. I've been dealing with this for some time now. Tommy will be just fine." Dream said gently kissing the top of his head. "Dream?" George asked again.

"Hmm?" Dream hummed looking down at the shorter boy. "A-Am I more than just a friend to you?" George asked.

"You are my everything." Dream answered. "I love you more than anything. If I had to I would give my life for you. I'd do anything for you to keep you safe." Dream added hugging the older one tighter.

"You love me?" George looked up at Dream who simply nodded his head with a small and gentle smile.

George slowly climbed into Dream's lap. "I love you too." George mumbled. Dream slowly moved so he was laying down holding George in his arms.

Curse Of BlindnessWhere stories live. Discover now