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"How the hell do you do this again?" Tommy asked Dream.

"Tommy, you are overthinking it. You rely on your eyes anymore. Now you gotta listen to what's around you. For instance George and Tubbo are on their way over with Wilbur." Dream explained.

"You could tell that it was them from their footsteps?!" Tommy asked shocked.

"Yeah I could. By, them walking differently. George's steps are soft but serious. While Tubbo walks with skip in his step. Not literally but you get the idea. While Wilbur walks strongly, while serious." Dream explained again.

"Once you learn how people walk it is much easier to figure this out." Dream added.

"But, what if I'm attacked and can't protect myself?" Tommy asked. "Same thing applies for mobs, listening. You can't just go off running into battle now Tommy. You have to listen. To Wilbur and everything around you. This is no longer a game, this is the real deal and now it will always be the real deal." Dream answered.

Tommy groans in annoyance while getting up and begins to walk around a bit. "Dream? Sapnap asked for you and me to go see him." George said walking up next to Dream.

"Alright, Tommy, keep practicing and just focus. Wilbur and Tubbo will take over for the rest of the day." Dream exclaimed. Tommy responded with a quiet groan and kept walking in circles.

"Do you know why Sapnap wanted to see us?" Dream asked looking in George's direction. "No I don't. Karl came up to me and told me he just wanted to see us."

Dream slowly nods as they come up to the house.

"Hey Dream, Hey George how's it going?" Karl asked "It's going good. Where's Sap at?" Dream asked.

"Over there." Karl pointed.

Both Dream and George walked over and saw Sapnap with an enchanted book in his hand.

"I think I figured out how we can help Tommy." Sapnap said. "What? How?" George asked.

"Well, I found this in a ruin. It's a curse. I found the curse of vanishing and curse of binding. What if there is one for the curse of blindness and if we find it then we can help Tommy get his sight back." Sapnap said.

"How can we be sure that this is a curse? How can we be sure a book like that even exists?" Dream asked.

"We can't be sure but we can try. I also found a map. It leads to an abandoned library maybe we can go check it out." Sapnap said.

"I mean it is worth a try." Dream said. George looked between the two like they were crazy. "Dream, Sapnap has a broken leg and you still need to rest a little bit more from your injury." George said.

"I understand that George. I really do but we need to try and help Tommy anyway we can." Dream said. George looked at him for a second then sighs. "Alright fine..." George said.

Both Dream and Sapnap smile at him. "Don't worry George. It'll be fine." Sapnap said.

George nods before standing up with Dream. "Get some rest Sapnap. If you are gonna come with us you need to rest first." Dream said. Sapnap nods before waving by to them before they walk out. 

Curse Of BlindnessWhere stories live. Discover now