[ G L I T C H 15 ]

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The next day he did come again, and the day after, and the day after, and the day after. Basically he routinely came to see me, I think everyday.

I mean, not that I'm complaining, because it feels nice with company, but he was just.. There.

He didn't speak then again yell, he didn't blow anything up, he was just sitting there minding his own business.

It's awkward to say to the least.

Well, that's my fault for being so blunt but still,

It's eerie

Today is the day where I'm being discharged from the hospital, and guess what? He's here.

I put my things in my bag, whilst Bakugo is just standing there, staring at me. Excuse me sir, do you wish to poke a hole in my head with your laser eyes?

I want to say something but I'm not sure what.

"Hey Kat-Bakugo?"

"What?" He didn't yell, and his tone was soft.

I will never in my life, get used to this.

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

So much for being blunt.

"I'm not staring at you." No names no nothing? Oh wow.

"Yes, you are. I can feel you staring daggers at the back of my head."

He lightly scoff "Aren't you just a bit too over-confident?"

"No, I'm just observant." I put the last item in my bag, and turned my body towards him "Now, can you explain to me why you visit me every single day?"

He raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms "Am I not allowed to?"

"That's not what I meant, but like, I said some really bad unnecessary shit about you, normal people would just ignore me."

"Are you saying I'm not normal?"

"None of us are normal, Bakugo. I thought you knew."

Am I wrong?

He scoffed again "Well at least you stated some shits that are actually useful."

"Useful as in useful to drop someone's energy down like I did to you a few days ago? Agree."

"I didn't drop down."

I frowned "Did you see your face when I said those stuff to you? You look like a cute dejected puppy."

"So you think I'm cute?"

Way to change the topic.

"That's not the point. Besides, you didn't get mad at me for calling you a puppy, that's weird."

"Do you actually want me to get angry at you? Then what's the point of your whole debate, women?"

I giggled "To be honest, the point of my argument last time was so YOU don't go around comparing people to yourself, that juts shows how insecure you are. I didn't say that you have to change your personality since it's basically your trait, just keep the anger level down a notch."

"Anger level? Really?"

"What do you want me to call it? Bomb level? Anger level is a good name."

He chuckled, smiling afterwards "Whatever makes you sleep at night."

Did he..

Did he just smiled? At me? Am I in heaven? Omg, this is giving me the chills.

"Now why are you looking at me like that?"

I just shook my head "I will never get used to your soft side, please change back."

"Do you have an anger fetish or something?" *gasp, how dare you accuse me of something so obv-iously wrong.

"No, it's just your face doesn't suit... Whatever this is." I tilted my head "Besides, it would be weird for the others when you just suddenly change, no?"

He rolled his eyes, scowling afterwards "Better?"

I grinned ear to ear, grabbing my bag and swinging my arm around his shoulder "Much better, now let's go eat some ramen."


"The first thing you do, after getting out of the hospital is wanting to eat ramen?"

I looked up from my menu, "Hospital food sucks Katsuki, give me a break."

He raised an eyebrow "Katsuki, huh?"

"O-oh, sorry, It kinda slipped." Did I just stutter?


He chuckled "You didn't have to stutter. Call me anything you want. I don't care."

I went back to the menu, searching for some drinks "It surprises me of how much of a tsundere you are."

"What the fuck is a tsundere?"

I gestured to his entire body without looking "Whatever you are, that's for sure."

He rolled his eyes again, careful, it might not change back "Are you ready to order or not?"

"Fine, fine geez. Can you call the waiter?"

"Why not you?"

How dare he asked such an obvious question?

"Waiters are our worst fears Katsuki, shame on you."


"Yes, our, now hurry, I'm hungry."

He sighed "I don't know why I'm friends with you."

I gasped "Oh my god, I'm your friend?"

"Oh, so you aren't? Fine then."



Ew indeed.

After a long debate about our friendship, WHICH WE HAVE, he finally asked for a waiter.

"May I take an ord-Y/N chan? Bakugo?"

Wait a minute.

I looked up to see the none other than, Uraraka.

Wow, how lucky.

"Oh.. Hey Uraraka. Why are you here?"

"I work part time, btw you're out of the hospital already? That's good, I'm kind of confused on why he's with yo-OOH MY GOD ARE YOU TWO DATING?"




"Oi, round face can you just take our order?"

Rough as always, huh?

Don't worry, I like it :D

"Oh, right right, what do you guys want?"

"Spicy Ramen, and just water."

"Uhuh, and you Y/N?"

"Just ramen, don't make it too spicy and some (f/d)" (y'all just got out of the hospital, spicy food is NOT a good idea)

"You got it, your orders will be ready in a bit. Thank you for choosing us."

She closed the small note in her hand, and before she passed, she whispered in my ear.

"Enjoy your date."


It's just a filler so it's not too.. Well good
But at least I updated, that's what counts I guess.

Thank you for reading, see you next time byee

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