[ G L I T C H 36 ]

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"So basically you're telling me you have an extra quirk that allows you to see bits of the future?" He frowned, crossing his arms

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"So basically you're telling me you have an extra quirk that allows you to see bits of the future?" He frowned, crossing his arms. Personally I think it's a good excuse.

Before you say anything, of course I didn't tell him. I told Izuku before because well because he is him, and I really don't want to ruin whatever we're having right now by saying, 'oh yeah, you're not real' like who does that?

I mean I did it to Izuku before but still, you get the point.

"Mhm, I know, sir nighteye material am I right."

He hummed. "You're making me think that he's your long lost dad or something."

Ha, I wish. Imagine having a daddy like him, I would be living the dream, such a shame that soon enough he'll di-

"And why did you hide this exactly."

Oh uhh..

Did not think this through.

"For that uh.. mysterious vibes?" Ah yes, what an excellent excuse, good job me.


I held in my laugh as he had a look of disbelief in his eyes, well that look is definitely not for nothing. I shrug and sighed dramatically. "Oh you know me."

"Sometimes I wish I don't." He grumbled, stuffing in the last bit of his things before joining me on the bed. Like a few moments ago, his gruff hands carresed my head and I swear if I were a kitten, I would purr right now.

But I think my expressions gave that off.

I heard him chuckle, and I couldn't help but feel curious as I opened up an eye. "You really do like your hair being touched don't you?"

I'm touch deprived, what do you think?

I shrugged, snuggling in closer to his hands, not bothering to answer since I know he probably knows the answer to that one question.

But instead of caressing my hair again like last time, his hand moved to my upper arm and I could feel myself being lifted up and landing onto someone's lap.

In fast response, I opened my eyes and I stared directly on to Katsuki's red ones.

"What are you-"

Before he let me finished, rude by the way, he pulled my head closer and landed it on his shoulders. I could also feel him leaning back leaving us into a cuddling position.

Ok, ok this is weird.

This is definitely a code red for my heart.


Yes, internal panic.

"K-katsuki?" Oh my god I'm turning into Y/N. What next, I'm going to meet Harry Styles while reading a book at his concert?

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