[ G L I T C H 26 ]

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You asked for a fast update, so you shall receive.

"Why the fuck do you look like you got hit buy a water truck?" As promised, right after he finished his deal at Best Jeanist's agency, he actually called me

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"Why the fuck do you look like you got hit buy a water truck?" As promised, right after he finished his deal at Best Jeanist's agency, he actually called me. Now, since Gran Torino gave much more work than I thought, this is the only thing I need.

A video call with my husbu? Who am I to resist?

"Why water truck of all things?" I raised my eyebrows. Plopping myself on my stomach, I took one of the pillows and nuzzled into it getting myself company. "That's not my fucking question dumbass."

"Ok, geez calm down." I rolled my eyes "Gran Torino just gave me, and Deku a tough ass beating. How his back isn't broken, I have no idea."

"Who the fuck is Gran Torino?"

"The hero I'm working with? Were you even listening when I told you the agency I'll be working at?" I asked with a duh tone. "No."

"Why am I not surprised." I sighed, stiffling a yawn, I looked at his hair through the screen. It looked shinier than usual and not as messy.

Teasing time.

"So.. How is your experience at best jeanist?" His annoyed groan says it all. "He literally fucking forced me to use SO MANY HAIR GEL, and skinny jeans. SKINNY. JEANS. Am I working at a hero agency or am I just training to be a model? God he's the fucking worst."

I grinned amused "Don't you think he'd be angry if he heard you talking shit behind his back like that?"

"I don't give a shit, he can tell me to go back for all I care."

"That's what you get for picking an agency just because of it's rank." He scoffed "Yeah, yeah no need to rub it in."

"I know, it's just fun." I giggled "At least he probably told you to act like a gentleman though, the ladies would love that."

He scrunched his nose up "Why would I need the girls to like me?"

"Fame is also important if you want to be number one you know, and with that face you'll earn an easy win." He rolled his eyes "Thanks for calling me nice looking."

"Didn't say you weren't."

He was about to say something, when suddenly there's a very loud crash from outside, or to be specific, at the side of the building.

Oh, damn here we go again.

"What the fuck is that?"

"Izuku." I sighed, getting up and grabbing a jacket to get ready. "Which means it's my cue to leave."

"What? Why?"

"I take my job as a mentor very seriously, that's why."

He scoffed again "You do know that you don't have to help that stupid nerd right?"

"I know, but he's my friend. Besides, helping is caring."

Rolling his eyes, he snarled "Is it because he's your friend, or is it because you like him?"


"Ok, where did all of this negative energy come from? Are you extra cranky because of your agency, or what?" I frowned, sipping up my jacket as I held the phone up to my face.

"No it's fucking nothing?"

"Yeah? Well you're acting like a possessive bitch at the moment. For the last few weeks actually what's up with that?"

He glared at me, and I just knew this is not gonna end well.

"Because, you keep talking about him, Izuku this, Izuku that, you fucking picked him over me."

"I didn't pick anyone over anyone, what is your problem?"

"Whatever. You want to pick him again? Be my guest. Don't even talk to me for all I care since you care about him so much. Friends my ass."

This stupid hoe-

"You know what? Fine. I won't talk to you. Like fuck you, you act like you own me when we're not even a thing because you just kept fucking playing with my feelings all of the god damn time without even bothering to ask me out. If that's what you want, then fine, just don't talk to me, problem solved right?"

"Y/N, that's not-"

"Fuck you."

And I hang up. Throwing my phone to the bed, I adjust my jacket so it fits perfectly, and wear my very comfy trousers before going down to help my friend.

At least one of them isn't a bitch.


"God I'm so sleepy." I groaned, sipping on my cup of coffee as I gently tug at my uncomfortable hero suit.

It's been a few days since I've started my internship, and Izuku is giving me one huge headache. Every night, he's out there doing something, and feeling like a responsible parent, I had to go and help him every time in case he breaks an ankle.

Oh, it's also been a few days since I talked to him no biggie.

But yeah, internship has been tiring, countless hours of patrols and annoying little kids that said I'm the 'Bitch who backed down from the sports festival'. Well not exactly, but that's what it sounds like.

Oh, and guess what? Tonight is the night where Stain showed up, and now I'm in the bullet train the Nomu crashed in to.

I still have a few more minutes, so some coffee won't hurt right?

"That's your fourth cup of coffee, Y/N."

Shut up Deku, I'm about to fight a psychopath, I need the adrenalin "I know, and this is not enough."

"But that's not healthy-"

"I know. I know."

Five, four, three, two,


The Nomu with wings crashed into the train, causing havoc and shrilling screams to erupt all over the place. I put the cup under my seat, and got up.

"C'mon, Zuku time to go."

"What?! Where? What about the Nomu?"

"YOU KIDS DON'T DO ANYTHING!" Gran Torino screamed as he brought the Nomu out of the train, I pointed at him with my thumb. "He got it covered, now let's go."

"But he told us-"


"WHAT?! NO?"


Stain, here I come.

It's 12 AM, and I feel like I can pass out in a minute

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