[ G L I T C H 29 ]

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"Oh my god, you guys are back!"

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"Oh my god, you guys are back!"

"How was it?"

"Did Endeavor really beat Stain? That must've looked sooo cool!"

Me, and the other three shifed uncomfortably from where we stood in front of the door. We were all dismissed from the hospital two days ago, and are allowed to school as long as we don't overwork too much.

Since, well you've seen how it went in the original episode, the same thing happened. The exact. Same. Thing.

I took a seat, and somehow people started shoving their faces and asking questions.

The good thing is, Aizawa's hobo-like face saved me when he entered the classroom.

"Sit down."

They're down just like that. Where did you learn that? Teach me!

Aizawa rolled his eyes, and placed his hands back to the table, with his eyes blaring straight at us.

"All of you have went through a week with licensed and professional heroes. All of you have definitely learned new things, and I assume some of you have changed." He said with a straight face.

"If we're talking about change, it's definitely those four that has change a lot."

The only thing I did was meeting a hero serial killer? What changed? Me having multiple broken bones for the first time? Geez what kind of change.

"I know, it must be terrifying to see Stain from up close!"

More like disgusting.

"Did Endeavor really defeat stain?"

I thought we had this conversation before.

I sighed nonchalantly, shifting uncomfortobly in my seat as I can basically hear what the other three were thinking of when they heard Endeavor's name.

That man didn't do shit.

He can't even defeat a nomu, Stain did.

Well that's pathetic. No offense, no actually yes, I hope that offended him.


Dead quiet.

You know if I could pick a quirk when I got here, I would've picked this one. A quirk that could make everyone shut up, because god their mouths are so stretchy.

Yes I made that up, shut it.

"You think your fight has ended there? Well definitely not, because we still have.."

I frowned, joining my eyebrows. Wait, what happened after the Stain fight again? I think it's something important. Yeah it got to be.

But what?

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