[ G L I T C H 41 ]

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TW: blood

Training my quirk for the past few weeks was a huge success, well at least at some parts it is

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Training my quirk for the past few weeks was a huge success, well at least at some parts it is. I've succesfully made bigger orbs throughout the week, and it got big enough that I may or may not detroyed a small part of the gym.

I started having more control over my quirk, I can even transfer a tiny bit of my quirk onto a literal object, small ones though, like pens, paper, yeah.

It still hurts a little bit especially the transferring my power to an item part, but really no one actually knows about that and it is a lot better if it stays that way.

The weirdo in my dreams are giving me pills to supress the pain, or to at least decrease the effects through Kei, yeah the NPC butler from the first few chapters, and I've been taking them ever since.

Plus they taste like berries and I like them.

Speaking of, today we will be having the hero provisional liscense exam, meaning this day will prove whether my training was actually useful or not.

I held my suitcase of hero suit tightly in a grip on my lap, looking at nothing as I stared blankly, shooting holes to the innocent chair in front of me.

The provisional license isn't exactly something that can give someone mortal danger per-say, but the idea of testing the quirk that I thought I had mastered scares me.

I was short in thought when I felt a finger jabbing on my forehead, pushing my head back to the cushion behind me.

I frowned, taking a hand off the suitcase to hold my very wounded forehead. "What was that for?"

"I can see your head steaming from a mile away." Katsuki grinned, placing a hand on my head, not so very gently ruffling it causing my hour of hardwork to go down the drain. "Stop overthinking it, you'll definitely pass with that freaky quirk of yours."

At normal times I would be offended, but right now I am more offended by the fact he ruined my hair that again I took an hour to work with because it decided that SOMEHOW today is going to be the day they're having a bad hair day.

"I'm not overthinking it, and STop MeSSinG witH My haIr you freak!" I slapped his hand away, and I swear I could barely see myself hissing like a cat.

Again, I got a flick on my forehead. "Don't do that, you look like an idiot."

I gasped, how dare thou. "EXCUSE YOU??"


I narrowed my eyes in a slit before an idea went inside my head, I smirked, yes, a very naughty idea.

I grabbed his hand and started biting into it.

His eyes went as wide as saucers, and started trying to shoo me off, waving his hand around, but my teeth were persistent.

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