[ G L I T C H 11 ]

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The mc sounded like mineta so I changed a few things bcs now looking back why did I make her a creep :/


You know, looking back at the training suit that UA has I have to say it's kind of cute? But not at all the best looking, because seriously? A one piece?

Just give it a moment, and it would look like a pajama so easily, like do you know that one cartoon with these banana twins in pajamas?

It looks like THAT.

I'm mot even joking, look it up like right now, but at least they were two pieced.

I don't know I think I just have beef with one piece suits.

"What's wrong Yui? Is your outift not your size?" I blinked, looking back at Uraraka who had her head tilted.

Ah, I must have been staring at the suit for too long. "Nope, it's just.. it's weird to actually have a UA uniform you know, pretty unreal."

Surprisingly, she seems convinced and even understanding. She chuckled and went back to whatever she was doing, "Yeah, I completely understand that feeling."

I guess having a gullible friend has it's perks. She reminded me of me, which isn't necessarily bad, but not the best either.

By the way, what's with the word "necessary"

Like why do English have to be so hard?

"Come on, let's hurry, we don't want to make anyone else wait for us now do we?" Momo smiled.

Ah, Momo, your leadership is showing.

We all nodded with a long "yeees" then started walking to the outdoor gym, or whatever you call it.

And there he stood, Aizawa with all his glory, Messy hair, red eyes and eyebags as usual. 

Huh, funny, his style is exactly like mine back home. Yeah, it's called the 'sleep deprived' style.

I looked over to the boys side, and I saw my broccoli buddy standing there awkwardly. He met my eyes, and I grin at him which he kindly smiled back to.

Ah so pure.

Katsuki on the other hand, I accidentally caught his gaze and he started growling.

Damn, Bakugou. You hate me that much?

"So today we have a quirk assessment test, and don't worry about orientation, that is not important right now." Aizawa said with his monotone voice. "Bakugo, if you please, step forward."

Without further ado there he goes. Holding the ball that we know too well in his hands "Now, Bakugo, you placed first in the entrance exam right? Throw this ball, but with your quirk."

Katsuki took his stance, and in a breath he yelled, you know what he yelled? We all know what he yelled.


And there goes the ball, fwoosh.

The meter counter thingy on Aizawa's hand then let out a beep "705.2 meters."

And the crowd goes wild, ladies and gentleman. Hoorah here hoorah there. I can hear their praises towards him, Katsuki being the man he is, just 'tched' and couldn't care less.

But then, well things get awkward.

"Fun? I'll let you know that whoever lands in last place will be expelled."

Well you know what happens after, cries of disbelief, protests, but no one will be expelled anyway so I paid it no mind-

-or will there be?

He started explaining all sections there will be, and didn't forget to add up the whole "You will be expelled" at the end for some flare.

"No he won't." I muttered "What's that Yui?"

I looked over to Izuku, who was curiously looking at me, but at the same time, have a terrified look on his face.

Oh Aizawa, why do you have to be so rough on my little bean?

I then put a hand on his shoulder, and grinned "Oh, nothing. Besides, don't worry. You'll be fine."

Not really, but oh well.

He seemed relieved tho, so I guess that's what matters?

"Well then, let's get started."


So, we did everything for the quirk assessment test, like the 50 meter dash, grip strength, standing long jump, side to side, ball throw. You know all that stuff.

I did, and I can say exceptionally spectacular, which I regret doing because now...

Let's just say Katsuki is growling at both me and Todoroki like stray dogs.

Talking about Todoroki, we both met eyes when Katsuki decided to attack us, and dude, istg

He is SO pretty

Like- how

When I'm admiring his beauty, he just stared back at me, slightly tilting his head, and trust me, I had a small Todoroki attack.


Speaking of which, Izuku is basically panicking like PANICKING and is a total mess, but I'm not too worried.

You know, since he did fine before and he probably is still fine now, still confused how he lost to Hagakure, like who is actually the one with enhanced power here dude?

"That's it for the quirk test, oh, and btw, I was joking when I said the last is going to be expelled."

And there he fell, Izuku.

They're so dramatic and for what.

"You guys didn't know? I'm sorry, I thought you know."

Don't worry Momo, they're just slow.

"You knew?!"

"I mean it's pretty obvious." They all looked at me, "You too?!"

I sighed "Come on guys, have some pride. We were put in class 1-A for a reason. If we can't even do a silly quirk test, then we wouldn't be here in the first place."

I yawned, "Besides, it's the first day, the school's not that mean."

They shrugged at my explanation, well it does makes sense. But to be honest I was kidding myself, Aizawa is that harsh in reality.

I walked towards Izuku and Uraraka, hugging their shoulders "Now, let's change and go back to class, shall we."

They both smiled "Sure!"

And there we go.

Ok, all jokes aside
The views are going up faster than I thought it would.

Like dang, thank you so much.

Like, I know I've gotten more before, but remembering this is my first English book, that's just amazing.

Anyways, enough of my rant, see you guys next time.

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