[ G L I T C H 20 ]

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After Bakugo's and Uraraka's fight, it was time for Kiri's and Tetsu's tie-breaker. Kiri won obviously, but of course with a few bruises here and there.

Now he's in the infirmary and here I am. Alone.

Let us find some friends.

I grunt as I got up off my chair, walking towards the chattering group of girls. In real life, I would never do this, but there's always a first for everything.

"Hey guys, this seat free?"

They all looked at me, and I can't help but feel anxious. Don't blame me that they look like mean girls.

"Oh sure! You can sit right here!" Oh never mind.

I smiled at Mina and take a seat right beside her, looking at the teachers preparing the arena for the next battle. Izuku and Todoroki.

"Who do you think will win, Y/N-san?" Asked Momo as she sat right in front of me.

I gazed down at the arena, shrugging as I cross my arms.

"Todoroki." I replied without hesitation.

The girls blinked at me of my sureness "O-Oh really? You don't think Midoriya will win?"

He could've if he didn't decide to make an animatic speech scene. But oh well, MC peeves I guess. "He could. But not now. Like can you see the difference? Todoroki can control his quirk well while Midoriya is out there breaking his arms every time he uses his quirk."

Jirou nodded "Makes sense."

Of course it does, I've seen this scene too many times to calculate the possibilities of the broccoli winning. Which to be honest is a lot, but, well.

He's dumb so he ruined those chances.

Not long after, the fight officially started. Both Midoriya and Todoroki went down to the ring and they had a small talk.

Two guesses who what they're talking about.

Probably about Todoroki's determination to destroy the poor boy.

As they start the battle, we were all focused on them and on them only, and oh boy were my eyes sparkling like a diamond.

Again, things on TV? Cool. Seeing them in person. Oh damn amazing.

Even as the others shiver when Todoroki made that big chunk of ice? I was jumping around in absolute delight. The others were looking at me as if I'm crazy but do they really think I care?

No sweety.

And then there comes that scene. THAT scene. Where obviously Midoriya is on his verge of breaking his arms AGAIN but he just HAD to make that MC speech and boom. Fire.


I looked at the other side of the bleachers. Enji was there literally blaring himself. I snickered as looked at that abusive parent, ad snickered even more when Present Mic made that remark saying that he's a dutiful father.

Yeah we all know he's not.

Well after that you know what happened? They both stored in their power, went back, doing their poses and started running towards each other.

They both threw in their punch but was stopped as Cementos created a big barrier between them.

I shivered yet smiled at the feeling of the wind. Not looking as concerned as the others as they all have their eyes searching for the contestants.

Not long after, voila. There they are. With Midoriya out of his ring and Todoroki looking like an absolute greek god. Todoroki wins.


The crowd cheered and clapped for the duo, and I didn't mind joining in.

"We need to fix the arena again, but for the next contestants please do be on stand by, since the next battle will be starting as soon as possible."

I got up with a sigh, dusting my hands together "That's my que. Pray for me."

"Good luck Y/N!"

I guess this is the life of a harem.

Feels nice I guess.


Not even after 10 minutes, Present Mic called us in and now here I am standing face to face with Tenya Iida.

I want holding in my laugh since Present Mic oh so energetically called Iida an advertisement victim, I was visiting grinning.

But that grin was wiped off my face as I remembered what's going to happen.

Wait, If I go to stain now will it change anything?


Too late.

Iida charged at me like there's no tomorrow with lightning speed. I glanced at him unfazed, I could see where he is so why would I be?

I jumped back when he decided to kick me.

He didn't waste any time and charged at me again, kicking me as fast as he arrived, which I also dodged.

I create an invisible shield around my arms and legs, so that I can dodge his fast as hell kicks.

This went on for at least five minutes. How is he not tired? No idea. How am I not tired? No idea.


Well you don't exactly have a super sight like you have a super voice what do you expect?

It was really pretty much a balanced fight, until he tried to kick me in the shins, and I used my hand to stop the kick.

My eyes widened as I saw him using recipro burst exactly for the kick.

I went flying back but not far, just right in front the line.

When he's charging at me for the last kick, I jumped up, spinning in the air and landed right behind him.

His eyes widened but he didn't get to react as I pushed him out of bounds with a bit of a too much force.

He went flying to the wall and I winced. Well that was an interesting accident.


I smiled, doing a curtsy bow at the crowd as I walked myself out of the arena.

Eh? Why do I feel so fuzzy?


Well there you have it an update.
Welp that's it for this week, see you in a week or two, bye ❤

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