[ G L I T C H 49 ]

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Not much exactly happened during my recovery, it was pretty basic really, the same boring ass plot with Bakugo being the big fucking spoon and an amazingly cringey boyfriend he is with everything happening around us.

I'm sure everyone is quite aware of what happens next, at least they should if they've already read the manga or at least reach season 5, if you haven't-

What are you doing with your life?

Just to simplify, what happens is that Class A, Class B, duel, fighting yada yada, Midoriya finds out that he has a a second quirk, him being all gushy about it around Uraraka yada yada.

You know, that kind of stuff.

Now what did I do when Izuku had his big MC moment look at me I'm the fucking main character bitch moment? I stared.

Like for once I was the NPC and I didn't even get a scratch for once.

Oh nevermind I did actually, though it's more like a burn mark, ironic huh? Yeah, Monoma "borrowed" my boyfriends quirk and used it against me. Haha, Kats was not thrilled with that.

But anyways, I'm sure all of you are dying to get out of this narrative and see what I'm doing since little-miss-author here had a downbreak writers block for two fucking months.

I know, annoying as fuck.

Moving on, I'm not here to talk about the sparring training session with Class B but rather on what happens next, no, we're not at the part where we're supposed to be fighting Shigaraki yet, I simply do not wish to die that early yet, but let's just wind a bit before that.

Yes. The heartfelt Izuku training moment in which the Katsuki Bakugo had a big character development if I do say so myself. In which speaking of.. I'm looking at right now.

I stared as now for some reason flying is no longer just mine or Uraraka's or Katsuki's or Tokoyami's thing, it's Izuku's thing too.

To be honest I feel like I'm intruding something by being here since Izuku and Uraraka are having this like cute couple moment or whatevah, bUt I was literally summoned here because SOMEONE is too much of a pussy to go alone.

"Why the fuck are we even here?" Speaking of the devil.

I hummed, leaning back onto the wall with both my arms crossed and a feet in front of the other, staring up at the two as I tilted my head.

"Well, we're supposed to be helping your friend but I think he forgot we're even here in the first place."

"He's not my fucking-" I shut him up by bringing a finger up to his lips and shaking my head. "Shush, this whole 'that guy is not my friend' thing is getting old, you're getting too old for this."

He lifted an eyebrow as he grabbed my finger away from his lips. "You're making it sound like I'm old."

"Perhaps you are." I grinned, now leaning more to the side than back, taking a good look at his face up and down. "Tch, but I guess your face can't exactly lie."

"Is that your way of saying I'm fucking hot?"

"It's my way of saying that you look like a man-baby."

"You bi-"

He was cut off by the sound of the very familiar black tentacles shooting out of Izuku's body, it's actually kind of weird to see, they look like those black licorice candy sometimes I actually want to eat them.

Putting that aside, I'm quite surprised to see that he can fly so quick, well actually at second thought not really. To be fair even when he  used one for all before, he'd flip around in the air like a damn circus show, this is probably not much of a difference.

"Tch, guess that nerd got the hang of it." Turning my head around slightly, I'm met with a look that I didn't think I'd see until I die.

He looks proud. Of the god damn broccoli.

I swear to all of you if this isn't character development I don't know what is.

I'm guessing he saw me smiling like a damn right idiot, because he so much decided to point it out. "Why are you smiling like that? It's creepy."

Deciding to be a dramatic bitch as per usual, I wiped the very much there yet invisible tear and used my most dramatic voice ever "I'm just so proud."

"Of what exactly?"

"Finally my fucking tsundere boyfriend can show other emotions towards other people, I feel like a mother." If he didn't look confused before, he definitely does now. "Excuse me?"

"Oh god I'm getting emotional." I held a shoulder to a very very confused and slightly concerned Bakugo, and shook him back and forth. "Keep it up you big pomeranian, I'm rooting for you."

"Ok what the actual fuck is up with you? You didn't get shocked by Kaminari did you."


Ok I guess I got a little carried away since the moment I jumped up from my seat I kind of lost balanced and went face first to the ground with an oof.

"Uh.. is she ok?" A familiar voice which I recognize as Izuku's spoke out suddenly just a few steps away from me which Katsuki answered. WITHOUT VENOM IN HIS VOICE.

"I think she smacked her head too hard, this might help."



anyways hi. Miss me? Hehe yeah I've been gone for a while but don't worry I didn't go through some weird stuff like other authors, just the fact that I've been on a slump and my life has been.. well, busy. ANYWHO HOPE YOU LIKE THIS ONE AND WE'RE ABT 3 CHAPTERS AWAY FROM THE ENDING WOOHOOOO

that's it bye.

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