[ G L I T C H 8 ]

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I plop down on my bed, eating a tube of pringles, or at least they look and taste like pringles, with my face looking like it has a double chin

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I plop down on my bed, eating a tube of pringles, or at least they look and taste like pringles, with my face looking like it has a double chin.

It's been, what? A few days since the entrance test and here I am, waiting for my entrance letter.

Trust me, I know I'll get in, cuz guess what? I'm the 'm a i n  c h a r a c t e r'

Not the sappy side character that no one gives a shit about, kind of character.

Yay me.

Then for a while the room was only filled with the sound of me chewing on the crunchy chips before I heard a soft knock on the door.


"Well Ms.Yui, you're letter has arrived."


I jumped up from my bed, putting the pringles tube on the lamp desk, ignoring the fact that it tipped over and probably spilled some on the floor and skidded my way quickly to the door.

I opened it to see a Butler named Kei, standing there. He looked stunning with his attire. And by attire I meant a very tempting tuxedo.

If only I wasn't so obsessed with Bakugou, this man would be a fine snack.

Moving on.

I smiled, taking the letter from his hands. "Thanks, Kei."

Kei bowed a bit before disappearing in thin air.

That was the butler that appeared in the first few chapters, and since he's just this some sort of character that doesn't even have a name and only have one sole purpose, which is serving me. I gave him a name.



No not Sebastian because.. well.. no.

Oh, and to explain the disappearing thing, I think it's his quirk, but then again it can also be an automatic response, and he's indeed the 5 dollar side character that no one cares about so they don't matter much.

Continue, I closed the door, letter in hand, and walked over to my studying desk, laying the card down before opening the envelope.

And WHOOSH, hologram.

"Good day, Young Yui, it is I All Might." He said with his signature smile.

I just leaned my back on the chair, not reacting like a total hardcore fan like somebody would, it's not like I don't see him everyday, which I do. For like, the past few months.

"So, good news for you, you have earned 85 points, which is the highest score of the year congratulations! Your technique and Rescue skills have sure come in handy in this test. Seems that all of your training have payed off."

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