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RIGHT since there was only one person that gave me an idea, so I'll obviously write hers. Hello hun <3 hope you don't mind if I twist some of the parts. Anyways, credits to -im-a-wOt-



Time has passed very quickly around the parts of Musutafu. Everyone in Class A graduated and some even climbed their way to the top of the charts. Showing up in the top twenty when they barely have dived into the field for at least five years.

For the next ten, the entire top ten leaderboard has been changed, significantly too. The only "senior" hero that stayed in the top ten was Endeavor, but we all expected that considering his.. ambitions.

Right now, on the top of the leaderboard was Midoriya, which didn't thrill Bakugo, much to his displease, though he eventually learned to move on, and accept being the third in line. Yes, third after Todoroki.

Now that, he hasn't moved on with. He would yell at Todoroki's face at every chance he get, and it doesn't seem like he'd stop anytime soon.

Next is Y/N, placing fourth with Kirishima placing the fifth, the others in the chart being heroes from either Class B or other hero academies.

Now, being a hero doesn't just mean saving people from life threatening cases and attacks, it also means doing the very bare necessary. Like, going on patrols, dealing with small classes bank robberies, and occasionally helping people get their cats down a tree.

Now that, was what Kirishima was doing.

He was going on his normal weekly patrol, walking down the streets and giving the citizens a few warm smiles as he walked by, waving his hands to children when they scream out his name in glee.

"Look momma! It's red riot!"

Those very simple words are more than enough to make a grown man's heart jump, and he is always the happiest with his jobs when people especially kids look up to him.

It's a blessing, according to him.

Continue on the patrol, there wasn't much going on. Sure there was a small bank robbery at the edge of town, and maybe some rebelish high school kids smoking pot in the back of an alley, but otherwise there wasn't really much happening up until one moment.

He was walking down a small street in Musutafu when he heard a loud screaching meow from up above. Kirishima leaned his head to the side before looking up, indeed seeing a white cat stuck on top of a branch with probably no clue how to get down.

He scoffed feeling amused, to him it's funny how cats would go all the way to jump at least ten feet high and then panic when they notice they don't know how to get back down.

It's even more funny how many cats he's saved for the same reason in the past week alone, but hey, a hero's job is a hero's job, he can't really complain and he doesn't want to. He likes cats.

"Okay, come here little guy." Kirishima climbed the tree until he was high enough to catch the cat. The cat stared at him, hissing at his outstretched hand. Kirishima stayed still, still offering his hand.

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