[ G L I T C H 1 ]

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Before you read here are the regulations to what you are NOT supposed to comment or do in this story
1. Chr slander, idc how much you hate them, if you're not going to say anything nice don't say anything at all.

That's it, that's the only rule, it applies for everyone, remember, hate no one including Mineta, and since most of these comments are given towards Momo and Uraraka, if you already hate them beforehand and you don't like my rules you can just not read, simple.

Ok that's all enjoy the story <3

"Oy Yui! Wake up already!"

I hummed in response, not really making much effort as I started shifting my head on my arms making myself more comfortable.

My friend, aka Noa was starting to get irritated, and visibly so, she kicked my chair from behind making me fall frontwards. A disaster waiting to happen from then on really.

As predicted, the second my chair gave up on me, I hit my head on the table quite hard. I held my hand up to my forehead and started aggressively rubbing with a glare. "OK, OWW?!"

Noa rolled her eyes indifferently. Yes I know I'm quite hard to deal with, get over it we've been friends for like a fee years now, "School just ended you dumbass."

I pouted still rubbing the same position on my head, "You didn't have to be so harsh." She hissed, damn she's going to turn into medusa these days, like honestly.

"I called you 10 times already you had that coming for you, now get up! I'm not walking you home if you're slacking up for the next five seconds."

I grunt, reluctantly getting up from my seat and putting every single thing from my table into my bag, slinging it over my shoulders right after, "There, I'm done, happy?"

She smiled widely in response, swinging an arm across mine, "Yes, now let's go!"


She pulled my hands, and basically dragged me across the quite busy hallway, I kept hitting people here and there, and what did I do? I followed her, in silence, suffering, but silent.

"Ugh, Noa can you go any slower? I'm still sleepy.." Maybe not that silent.

She wasn't listening of course, but then again when has she ever? "That's what you get for watching those silly cartoons too much."

"Those cartoons are getting a new movie and you know I have to-"

"Binge watch and rant about it to your twitter friends? Yes, I know." I would've talk to her about it instead, but she's not even the slightest bit interested in the topic so why do I even bother.

I sighed, looking around before noticing that we're going through a familiar street, in which I'm not supposed to be passing even, "This is not my way home."

"I know, I'm taking you to my date with Yuta-kun."

Seriously? "So I have to be thirdweeling? Yeah I rather rewatch my animes thank you."

"Well you don't have any choice." I scoffed, wondering why I'm letting her pull me around even now.

"Pushy much." I hissed at her ear, but I think she ignored it.

Ugh, this is going to be a LONG evening.



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