[ G L I T C H 48 ]

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Chapter 362, haunted me.

"Alright dear, most of your wounds are healed up, I'd give you a few more days and you'd be medicine-free

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"Alright dear, most of your wounds are healed up, I'd give you a few more days and you'd be medicine-free."

This is officially my last hospital visit, at least for a while, and I really have to say I'm thrilled about it, there's barely any holes on my legs, nor are there many scratches all around my body, but you know.

We'll see how long that lasts.

I gave a happy smile to Recovery Girl as she gave me more advices and nags to be more careful, yeah as if I could actually dodge being impaled, which I probably could but I'm petty so let's say I had no other option.

Once she finished, she ended it with a small sigh, yet another smile. "Now you be careful, I don't want to see another stab wound on you."

I chuckled, waving my hand. "Don't worry, it's not like I'm hunting for more."

Sadly my plans never exactly work out, so we'll see about that.

I slid the door open, and my smile widened as soon as I saw who was waiting for me in front of the room. "Katsuki!"

He was acting like a typical bad boy from those wattpad stories, ironic I know, he had his arms crossed, his frame was leaning against the wall, and he had his usual frown though covered with a mask and a stupidly attractive hat.

Artists write that down.

His head turned as soon as I called out his name, and he started lifting himself off of the wall, walking towards me and gave me a good little ruffle before walking with me outside hand in hand.

"What did she say?"

I swung our hands excitedly. "Well, she said I'm basically as good as new in a few days so I can join the physical stuff soon enough!"

"You'll be joining the next training then?" He raised an eyebrow, and I quickly nodded my head. "Yup, I have to do some physical therapies first though."

What? Do you really expect me to suddenly be able to walk after having a decorative leg piercing? I'm lucky I still even HAVE a leg.

"Are you sure your leg would be fine by then?" I shrugged, huffing an annoyed sigh as my feet slipped on a slippery tile. He caught me before I could fall though, but then again, he's a pro at it now.

I can't even count how many times he had to save me from falling to a deathly fall.

Like, it would be pathetic if I end up wasting my last life just because I slip on an uneven surface. Actually it would be funny but you know, let's restrain from being a comedian for now.

"ANYWAYS, anything fun happened today?" I asked, stopping to a halt as soon as we reached the bus stop, all the while looking to the side, asking silently for his reaction.

He barely sighed, and took the cap off his head, placing it on top of mine. Aw cute, he knew I was hot.

"There was a bee in class, don't know how, and dunce face fucking electrified himself and almost half of the class, including me." I grinned mischiveously, nudging him on the sides. "Is that why you're extra hot today?"

He rolled his eyes. "Please, I'm always hot."

"Hah, yeah sure, who says?" I scoffed, though I don't actually disagree with his statement. He is hot all the time and I admit it.

He shot an eyebrow up, giving me a look before leaning forward, close enough for me to feel his breath. "By you. Twenty four seven."

There ladies and gentlemen, is my first bakugo panic in well more or less a month. "N-no I don't."

"You stutter like a fucking fictional character when you lie." I am.

"W-what? Psssh, no I-uh, No I don't."

He gave me a look, and of course being the petty yet not so petty person I am, I gave in. "FINE! I always say you're hot but it doesn't mean you're hot ALL the time."

It does, hOhoHo it does.

"Not even now?" He leaned even further, mouth only inches, I repeat INCHES away from mine and damn I want to kiss it right now. "Hm?"

"We-we're in public." He gave me an innocent stare, and tilted his head, unconsciously getting me more tempted to just.. do it. "So? What am I even doing?"

I hissed under my breath. "You know exactly what you're doing."

He chuckled, grabbing the hat again before using it to cover our faces from the front as he gave me a light but comforting kiss.

Sadly it lasted only a few seconds, but he did gave me another peck on the nose and a lick. A LICK.

"We can continue our kissing later."

"At the dorm?"

"Well we are excused until curfew so... your apartment?"

Whatever happens next (not sex) stays in the apartment.

Look my beautiful bitches and hoes IM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN TWO MONTHS HUA, it's just I've been in a slump AGAIN and I've now just have the dedication to do it again.

I know it's just a filler but it'll do for the last few chapters I'll upload around October or November, I'm planning to finish this on new year btw HAHA anyways yeah

Thanks for reading!

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