[ G L I T C H 17 ]

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It's the sport's festival day. Ugh, I'll have to move a lot today, why..

Like there's the obstacle course, that looks like an episode of a harder and complicated lab rat show, a cavalry battle that looks like that game you play in a pool.

And the battle tournament.

Ah, the sweet sweet battle tournament.

Maybe, I'll just.. Purposely lose.

You know, for safety reasons.

I walked in the locker room with my back slouched down, my arms swung lazily beside me, I groaned.

"HI Y/- Woah, why do you look like you've been hit by a bus?" I wish that was the case, at least I don't have to join whatever this is.

I sighed, taking off my clothes "Stayed up all night."

"Oh! Were you too excited for today?" Mina, I love this energy.. But..

"I was thinking of a way to.. Gracefully back down from this festival thingy." She frowned "Still with that negativity?"

What can I say? I'm a negative person. I slipped down my top "Yup."

When I threw my bag into the locker, Mina grabbed me into a headlock, I coughed feeling choked. "Well throw it away! We don't need that negativity today."

I groaned as well walk towards our class, joining the boys, me and Mina were immediately greeted by the red sunshine "Hey guys! Eh,Y/N-"

"I look like I got hit by a truck, yeah Mina pointed that out." I get out of her grip, stretching my body.

Well at least if I can't back down, I won't make a fool of myself. "Where's your school spirit?"

"Look at this." I said pointing my fingers, he watched it as it flew up and dived down "Gone."

"You're so negative." He slung a hand over my shoulder. Again? "I'm convinced that you and Mina are literally soulmates."

Guess what, he blushed "W-what are you talking about."

I raised my eyebrows "Oh my god, do you-"

"-CLASS 1A!!"

He was saved by mister mic. Dang it.

He smirked and we walked towards the arena with confident strides. And then.. Comes the time when Bakugo got on the stage.

(I forgot what he said so let's improvise :>)

"You extras better not get in my way, and I'll win this shit."

Ah yes, very positive. The crowd boo-ed at him. He just smirked. I sighed, using my quirk, I pulled him down the stage towards me.

Got to take advantage of the situation, excuse you

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING-MMPH!" I clasped a hand over his mouth "Just.. Shut up, really."

He didn't.

Simply said, the entire year and crowd watched us bicker and fight before Midnight RUDELY Interrupted and led us to the first battle.

The obstacle course.

Simply saying there was a lot of running. But I wasn't one of those people that ran, no.

I flew.



I stood in front of Bakugo, a panting Bakugo, with a sly smirk, I flipped my hair "I flew darling, I flew."

"That's not FUCKING fair."

I swung a hand across his shoulder "Life is not fair Bakuhoe, like the way you got fourth place." I grinned.


I poured "Why, you said I can call you anything."

I have a plan and it will be WORTH IT!


"Well then stop calling me dumbass! Maybe I'll consider calling you Katsuki." He raised his eyebrows "What? Should I be happy about that or something?"

"Yes you should :<"

":< is not a word stupid."

"OK then Bakuhoe."


I smiled ear to ear, punching his arms "Very."

He then bickered with me again, which for the second time was RUDELY interrupted by Midnight.

And you know what happened next. Yes indeed, the cavalry battle.

You wanna know what happened? This happened.

"Y/N, do you want to team up with me?"

"Come to my team, dipshit."

Said Izuku, and Bakugo.. At the same time. We all know where this is going.

"What the fuck nerd?! She's going to be in my team!" Izuku frowned "Sh-she's my friend too you know."

I'm being fought over by two boys. Damn, I'm flattered.

But then again, I have to stop them before it gets too far. "Uh.. Guys?"

"You're going in my team." "You can't just do that, Kacchan! She hasn't say yes yet!"

I bit my lip, and suddenly, I got a very SMART idea. I look around, and when I spot a purple haired man not standing too far away, I yelled.

"Hey, purple man!"

I'm bad at nicknames.

But at least he gets it. He turn around, and looked at me, with one of his eyebrows raised.


"You're Shinso from 1-C right? The one from yesterday?"

I may or may not forgot to mention his name yesterday. "Yeah, what about it?"

"Do you wanna team up with me?"

He looked back at the two that were just silent when they saw me walking away. "Don't you want to team up with your own kind?"

Rude, but ok "Nah, I'm good."

He just shrugged "Whatever I guess."

I smiled, and walked to his other team mates, but before we reached our 'destination' I whispered to his ear. "Oh and please don't brainwash me, I actually have an idea for the battle."

He stopped in his tracks, and stared at me "What?"

"Your quirk. It's brainwash, isn't it? It's very cool and all, but I REALLY want to remember what's going to happen today, so if you don't mind, please don't."

He is still staring at me.

What, no deal?

"You're not going to say my quirk is weird or villainy or anything?"

I rolled my eyes, here we go "We live in a world filled with people that have different quirks, Shinso. You're anything but weird." I crossed my arms.

"Besides, 'villainy quirk'? that just sounds shitty to me. Any quirk can be villainy, it depends on the person. And since you're here trying to be a hero, I don't think you're a bad guy."

"Well aren't you interesting."

"So I've been told, now let's go, I have a plan to tell."


glitch • katsuki bakugoWhere stories live. Discover now