[ E P I L O G U E ]

996 39 15

As I said, I will be changing the MC entirely by giving her an actual name, so everyone, meet;

Yui Hinode
(First name) (last name)


"Ok, on a serious note are you ok? I could swear you're never on your computer when I'm at your house."

I didn't even bother to lift my head, letting my attention only directed to the stirring motion of a spoon on my extremely scorching hot cup of coffee.

I should've bought iced, I actually want to drink something like right now, why is waiting even a concept at this point, impatience is something completely reasonable-

"Hey! See this is what I'm talking about, were you even paying attention?" My eyes blink as a pair of fingers snapped in front of them, I continued doing so before slumping down again, letting go of the spoon.

"For the record I was." I crossed my hands in front of my chest, not being able to help but to heave out a sigh. "Besides, what's the big deal? Is it that surprising that I'm not on my computer?"


The sound of the table being slammed caught the attention of a few customers, I winced trying not to cringe in embarassment. "Can you not?"

My friend (Noa Kagayaki) seemed to be embarassed herself as she cleared her throat awkwardly and sat herself back down.

"Anyway, yes, it is odd. Very damn odd. You're always on your damn screen Yui, I literally had to drag you to get you out!"

"I wouldn't say it's to that extent." I grumbled, but making it loud enough so that my oh so one and only friend here can hear me whine.

One other thing I hate about reality is that here, I'm a lonely ass piece of shi-

"The problem is that you are, remember that one time you didn't sleep for almost two days because you were having a full blown marathon of 'banana fish' to finally get what the hype is all about?"

Damn, I actually remember that still. "Ok maybe you have a point."

Leaning my body forward, I set one of my arms to lay on the table and the other standing straight to hold my head, letting it stay there and feel comfortable.

With a shrug, I again do another one of those overdramatic sigh.

"I guess I just wasn't feeling like it."


I rolled my eyes, though I do understand where she's coming from. "You're making this too much of a big deal."

I mean, I did say I would watch over them at some point but once I even tried to read the new chapters, especially that one part, I realized that it hurts more than I thought and I decided to just.. not think about it anymore.

Therefore I chose to ignore the anime, even any other anime for the time being.

"Look is this because of what I said? Because if it is, I hate this version of you more than I thought I would." She frowned, seeming even more serious that I think this conversation intends to be. I scoffed, unphased at it almost.

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