Chapter Twelve

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~ Multiple pov
~ Thursday December 12
Carol's pov:
Tap, tap, tap. A tiny cold hand stops my jiggling leg. "Relax, it's not the end of the world.", Natasha whispers. Mr. Parker is still getting his rubrics ready. "Easy for you to say. You're not the one speaking." I cross my arms and my eyes directly fall on Tony's shirt.

He's wearing a black graphic tee with the blue font "The Water Cycle" with an image of a cartoon sun pushing rain droplets down the slide. I let out a small giggle, "That shirt is mighty adorable." Bucky ties up his hair with a cloud theme scrunchie, "Steve got it for him."

I flash knowing eyes to Tones, "Steve?" He winks back at me, "Steve." I squeal and lift his hands up. "About damn time!" Mr. Parker claps his hands together, "Alright bad bitches." Tony lets out a low snicker. "I still can't believe that got approved." Bucky stifles his chuckles along with Tony.

"Today is presentation day and table four has generously volunteered to go first." Mr. Parker takes the front desk. I whip my head, "Nat, I told you to put us last." "Oops." I wrong my hands and take a deep breath in. We all color coordinated blue and gray to get some creative bonus points. Mr. Parker is really generous on extra points as long as genuine interest in environmental science is shown.

My classmates get into position and I stand further left, facing the class. "Good morning! I'm Carol, and these are my copartners Tony, Natasha, and James. We will be talking about the Hydrologic cycle. When water turns into gas, it is known as the process of evaporation. Evaporation is how oceanic water enters the atmosphere and circulated around the globe."

I close in on Tony, who has added raindrop sunglasses and a "precipitation" sign to his costume. "When the vapor reaches land, precipitation happens. It may take the form of snow, ice, rivers, streams, etc. It might even evaporate back into the atmosphere."

I move down the line where Natasha is sitting on the floor. "Water may be absorbed into the ground if on the surface. This is known as groundwater which flows underground towards the nearest ocean."

I stand next to Bucky who has his arms extended like a flower. He also has the Christmas tree headband gifted by Tony's mother. "Plants also releases water into the atmosphere via transpiration. It is an underrated process in which plants exchange water for carbon dioxide during photosynthesis."

The four of us come close together, "Thank you." We head back to our table as Mr. Parker writes down notes. "Marvelous presentation! What a great way to start the morning! Table seven, you're up next."
Valkyrie's pov:
I dig into the plate in front of me. "Shake shack is actually not so bad." The Goddess of Death wipes her mouth, "Food is food. I will admit though, the shakes are heavenly." Thor rejoins us. "Can't believe that worked." "What?" Hela munches on her fries.

"My trade with Clint. In exchange for his sundae, I'd give him my float." I choke on my drink and exchange looks with his sister. "It's both a frozen custard." Hela digs into her bad and plays wii music on her phone.

Thor takes a spoon and tries his earned sundae, "Anyways, whose birthday is it? Is it Jarvis? He's a nice fellow.', a fist slams the table, 'Happy birthday Jarvis! Looking great man!" I give a sorry smile to the poor Jarvis who has a petrified look next to Rhodey.

Hela breaks into a laughing fit and I lean in to Thor. "It's not his birthday." He slowly removes the spoon from his mouth, "It's not?" "It's an advisory party for the Huskies you big oaf." Hela rubs her temple all out of breath. "I haven't laughed so hard in a long time.', she places a quick kiss on his cheek, 'Thank you for that."

Christmas music blares, "Can't have a party without some music!" Erik joins us at the table. "Hey man!" I scoot over. "Lovely having you here." Hela's smiles. She never smiles, well that isn't 100 % accurate. "Is it just me or does an evil aura surround the two of you when put together?" Thor asks.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2021 ⏰

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