Chapter Eight

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~ Multiple povs
~ Friday October 4
Wong's pov
I quickly step out of my portal and close it before anyone can see. S.H.I.E.L.D is a more prestigious school and no one can absolutely know what I can do. I enter the building with barely a few minutes to spare.  A big crowd of people fills the halls. I spot Strange and push my way through the crowd to get to him. I lower the volume to Single Ladies and take out one ear bud. "What's all this?"

Stephen closes his AP chemistry book. "Fury has an important announcement to make apparently, so they told us to wait in the hall." "Isn't today supposed to be a full study lab day?" "Yeah, but plans change." The intercom speakers wail to life. "Good morning S.H.I.E.L.D students. This is Mr. Fury speaking. Please start making your way to the auditorium for an important announcement."
I sit with Strange 3 rows close to the podium. I look at my watch and it's 8:05 . I reach into my bag and pull out a pack of gum and take one. "Can I have one?" Strange looks at me. I put the pack of gun into my bag. "Do you have 25 cents?" "What for?" "Gum costs $1.25 . For one gum it's 25¢." "You're unbelievable."

Mr. Fury reaches the podium and turns on the microphone. "Good morning everyone." "Good morning." "Damn, what's wrong with y'all? All of you sound dead." "Good morning." We all yell back with more enthusiasm. "Now that's way better. I'm not raising some hooligans. So I've gathered you all here today, because we are now starting a new type of day every 2 Friday's." I look over at Strange as murmurs break lose. 

"Due to some recent... events, we will begin to have Advisory. Some of you might've heard of it but basically it's like a family type thing. Friday's will alternate between advisory and study labs. I know how sacred study labs are, don't worry. They're not going anywhere. On the way out, the list of advisories are on all exists. Thank you and have a great day." Fury turns off the microphone and walks out.

I walk with Stephen to the northwest exit. "Whose advisory am I in?" I ask him. He scrolls through the list. "I'm with Ms. Cue." "Great, but what about me?" "That'll be 25¢ please." He smirks. "Haha. Very funny." I reach into my bag and hand him a piece of gum. He smiles and scrolls down the list. "Coulson."
Tony's pov:
"This sucks." I pout, lightly kissing Pepper's hand.
"I know, but we'll be fine. Besides we see each other after school." She looks me in the eye with a gloomy look. "I actually have a surprise for you." I shyly smile. Her gloomy look is gone. "Really! What is it?"
"If I tell you, it won't be a surprise anymore." She laughs and whacks my arm. "Tony!"

I giggle. "You better enter cuz if not Coulson is gonna trip." "He's a softie." I pull her close and swiftly kiss her. "Aww." We pull away and see that Scott is breathing all over us with googly eyes. "We we're having a moment." I say motioning the space between Pepper and I. His eyes widen. "Oh shoot. Sorry." He walks in the class and pokes his head out. "Carry on."

I sigh and Pepper's laugh sounds like music to my ears. "Bye." She smiles and enters along with Scott. I start making my way to Ms. Cue's room. Thank God I got placed in her advo. I bump into something and fall to the floor. "Hey watch it bud." I growl. "Oh my gosh, Tony. I'm so sorry." A hand pulls me up and as soon as I look up, it's the very person I've been avoiding all week.

"Steve." I sniff . Worry fills his ocean blue eyes. "I wasn't looking where I was going." "I literally ran into your back." I huff. I just stare at him because what else can I do? Ever since homecoming, I've been getting these weird feelings. And thoughts. "Tony?" I snap out of my trance. "Yeah?" "You're drooling. Thoughts about Ms. Cue again?" He teases. I blink. "I'm not thinking of Ms. Cue. Wait, hold up? You're in?"

Darn his perfect face. He casually runs a hand through his hair. "Ms. Ponce." I just not and remove myself. Even though I love Ms. Cue, Ms. Ponce's class is next to hers, meaning I'm close to Steve. "Damn it." I mutter under my breath as I walk into the classroom. My mood immediately gets better as soon as I spot Happy. "A familiar face!" I cup Happy's face and he hugs me. "Tony! This couldn't get any better! We have Vision in here."

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